Friday, September 21, 2007

Where My Thoughts Are Today

For those of us that are Mormon, we all know that we should be about member missionary work. We know why we should do member missionary work. We even have been given multiple suggestions on how to do member missionary work. So what engaging thoughts do I have on the subject? Is there anything new I can add to 'The law of the Harvest' that will persuade my fellow members of my congregation (and myself) to be more open in seeking these missionary opportunities? Probably not. I do know that at it's core and at the foundation is what exists in our hearts. So I'm thinking about the endless possibilities of love. The gentle persuasion of love. The true, sincere, Christ-like love that is all encompassing-that loves everyone no matter who they are, what they look like, what they do, what they think or what they believe, really. Who knows what this kind of love would beget.
Any thoughts you would like to share about this love as I prepare for madame guillotine on Sunday?


just jen said...

i wish i had some advice for you...
or good gospel thoughts but i don't. all i can say is that sometimes the best i can do is make sure that i teach my two boys how important serving a mission is so that they can be "harvesters". i also try to let everyone know that i am mormon...whether it's my doctor or friends in the neighborhood. not in a pushy way, just in a way that hopefully lets them know that they can ask me anything. does this make sense?

Tate Family said...

Amen, Sister

Sheri King said...

Hope your talk went well.

Nathan said...

i love love.
i also believe in love...
love you Martha!

Wendy said...

How did it go, Martha? I had some thoughts, but I didn't have time to write them. I hope it went well.

mindy said...

Martha, your talk was wonderful.. your haircut looked really good too:)

Rochelleht said...

Hope it went well and that you show us a picture of your new haircut. ;-)

martha corinna said...

I think my talk went well. It's hard to know when I start crying right off the bat and it is highly debatable whether or not anyone understood what I was saying.
I heard that it was discussed in Elder's Quorum by the president and a member of the bishopric (in a positive way:)) so hopefully that is a good sign that it went ok. Thanks.