Thursday, September 6, 2007

Celestial Saturation

Did I mention we are building a new home?

Decisions plague and excite me.

Vibrant and muted hues whirl and spatter like a Jackson Pollock in my mind's eye.

I look to the heavens, and to the Terra firma for inspiration.

Storm Grey/blue exterior paint?

Silvery, soft green interior paint?

A bold, true red front door?

A golden chartreuse to brighten a basement?

Petunia purple in Norah's bedroom? I don't know. Maybe some colors work better in nature then indoors.


just jen said...

a house isn't complete without a red door...

martha corinna said...

That's what I say. I love the red door. My husband thinks red doors have something to do with prostitution. I say, no it's a red light. Remember Roxanne?
I would have left a comment on your blog justjen, but since it's private this is the next best thing.

Brooke said...

wow. very artistic.

i used to have a colorful house. then we built and it was too expensive to go with different paint colors, so everything is very, very beige.

just jen said...

my husbands job requires me to stay private...(whatever)but if you email me( I will send you an invite.
PS I love your blog.

Wendy said...

I love your color ideas, too. I looked up Jackson P, to refresh my memory. My mom had a puzzle of one of his paintings that made her throw up while doing it, so we always called it her barf puzzle. Gross, I know, and only vaguely relevant. But I did find this silly site in my searching: It's good for 30 seconds of fun.

I'm so glad you get to do colors, Martha. I'm not a natural at them, but with some effort, I have put some nice colors in our house. It IS fun.

Laurie said...

Ever the creative one Martha! I also suffer from the need-for-color sickness. That's why I am ALWAYS painting!

becky said...

so jealous that you get to have all these decisions! whatever you do will be fantastic, i don't doubt that at all...i can't wait to see the finished product...

Leslee said...

The good thing with paint is that you can always change it if you don't like it!