Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh Boy...

Abram is at my shoulder threatening to throw his shoes at my head.

Abram was sent to the head master's office at preschool twice as a result of throwing punches.

Abram terrorizes Rosemary incessantly.

On Easter, my father was sustained as a bishop at BYU, as a result, Abram became very familiar with the HFAC hallways while in time-out.

Abram cries. A lot.

Abram yells. A lot.


Abram tells me I'm pretty. A lot.

Abram says he loves me. All the time.

Abram loves his little sister, occasionally.

And while watching a movie, I caught them holding hands.

And as my friend said: It's hard to be mad at him when he's so good looking.


It's a good thing you came with those big brown eyes Abram.