Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Back (sort of)

We finally have the internet at our new home (it's been an ordeal). I know I've shown very little gratitude for all of my well wishers and friends, but I truly have appreciated the support. I am recommitted to reading all of the blogs that I have been missing during my summer and fall web vacation, but if I am only left with the 2 readers I began with (Dad and Nate), I am content, for even though I enjoy reading other blogs, I hesitated to come back to my own. In the end, it was for my family that I decided to press forward.

During my little sabbatical I have learned a valuable lesson. There are really, only so many hours in the day. With 4 children in 5 years, a breastfeeding infant, a special needs child, YW presidential duties (Sundays, activities, ward councils, presidency meetings, visits, so forth and so on), mother and housewife duties (do I even need to list those, I am sure you are familiar), there is the potential for magnificent stress and a visit to the state hospital. But I have been blessed (OK, so there was the Sunday morning that I threw my cell phone across the room when I realized I had received a text message earlier that day that ward council was moved up a half an hour, and I was now 45 min. late, seriously, a mom of 4, 5 and under is not going to get a text message early Sunday morning!). I just realized, very quickly, that sometimes we make ourselves busy. Everything that is not totally necessary has just dropped out, and I am at peace with that. My friends love me and understand if some nights I just need to hold my baby or if some days I just need to clean my home or take Lulu to an appointment. I stay off of my cell phone as much as possible and when I have to drive to and fro, I try to stay off the phone as well. And of course, there is the internet. I haven't had access at my home for 6 months now and I've appreciated the time and the peace it's brought. These circumstances aren't forever, and neither are my children, so I can sacrifice, it's OK. The internet sacrifice is over though, and I will try to write once a week, not that I am telling you you have to read, this information is just to avoid future phone calls about when I will be blogging.

So things have been good. Let's face it, it is what it is, busy, but I am happy.

School began for the girls. More on that another day.

There has been some noted sadness in Abram's eyes since his replacement has arrived, but he is still my beautiful boy and I am grateful for a son.

Rosemary is an infant, but a good infant (finally).

The name Rosemary Josephine is one part my mother, one part Norah, and one part my love of proper, historically rich, Catholic names.
My mother's baptized name is Mary Josephine, do not tell her I told you that, she likes to pretend it is Molly. I love my mother and have not yet paid tribute to her or anyone in her family in my childrens names, so the responsibility fell upon Rosmary. Norah insisted that we name her Roselinda. Norah may watch Spanish soap operas when left on her own, I'm not sure. Anyway, we merged the Rose with my mother's name and there you go.

I will just throw in some gratuitous pictures of my children now and then because there is a bit of a build up, you understand, right?
Lulu started occupational therapy at the Primary Children's satellite in Sandy. We were on a long waiting list but, I have to give praise where praise is due, especially when this journey we are taking is so increasingly frustrating. Adrienne, Lu's OT is awesome and rocks and I recommend her to anyone seeking OT for their child.

As for me, I have been cooking (I knew that someday I could justify my kitchen, kind of) and sewing with the young women. When I was called as the president, I was asked to teach homemaking skills. Around the birthday of a YW we learn to cook or bake the recipe she has chosen. This is always our largest turn out and really a lot of fun.
We have also been sewing pajama pants for YW in excellence. We also sewed a # of receiving blankets for a humanitarian aid project. Someone sewed something for me as well. My neighbor Katie, is the creator of the Shabby Baby dresses on Shabby Apple. She made me this beautiful nursing cape out of some of the fabric that the dresses are made from.

Thank you again Katie, I am the envy of all who endeavor to hide their hooters.

So tonight, when I am done with my visits, and my baby is fast asleep, I will take a trip visiting all the blogs that have been missed these 6 months and I am sure I will smile, laugh, and be pleased that I ever made such friends.