Thursday, September 13, 2007

Soap Box

I've been thinking about this post for a while. Maybe I began contemplating it before I became a blogger, but reading other's blogs has certainly perpetuated it.
I know this won't be popular or cool, but I gave up the pursuit of popularity back in 1984 when I was unable to conquer and perfect the moonwalk (besides the one glove was not my thing).
I'm in no way trying to promote my own 'righteousness'. Heaven knows I don't have anything to promote, these are just thoughts that have been eating away at me.
It seems to me that as a culture, we are far too complacent with making fun of and judging other people. I especially notice this when the 'making fun of' pertains to a celebrity or someone who has placed themselves in the public eye. I also notice that it is just a general past time 'to make fun of' and' judge' just about anyone.
It's interesting to me that we seem to find this behavior OK. Many of whom I speak of are LDS. Most, if not all, the people I speak of, consider themselves to be Christian. What I find interesting is this behavior completely contradicts Christ's teachings in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon. Whatever happened to "Love one another", and "Do unto others as you'd have done to you", or "He who is without sin cast the first stone"?
I know this isn't popular thought, but just because someone is a celebrity or in the public eye doesn't mean that these rules don't apply. They are still children of God and they are still our brothers and sisters. We may not agree with someone's behavior, but their ill behavior does not give us license to name call, judge, and just act plain 'not nice'. We either believe the New Testament to be the word of God and follow it in all our dealings with His spirit children or we don't.
I will get lots of eye rolls for this thought, but I don't think we should be passing along video clips or pictures that clearly disparage another humane being. It's not what we would want for our children, or ourselves, so why is it OK to do it to someone we don't know, or know for that matter?
I'm sure this is the most uncool post ever. I'm sure this is way to goody-goody for some of you. I'm not talking about any of my beloved Traverse Mountain Sisters. You guys are the best and I never hear gossip come from your beautiful lips. I am speaking generally of things I've noticed. I just believe as followers of the Savior we should rise above this destructive national pastime. It's not becoming of who we are and I really believe it's destructive for our souls. It sure doesn't make me feel good and it's just plain not nice.
So there's my 2 cents, my soap box. I'm open to those who can show me a loophole in the New Testament where it states that it's OK to disparage celebrities and well known people.
I'm so not hip, I know.


Anonymous said...
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martha corinna said...

The comment I deleted said nothing disparaging about the post, I'll keep those. It was just an incredibly long advertisement.

just jen said...

i am guilty of making fun because i have a clip of the miss teen usa saying that crazy stuff about maps on my blog. in my defense though, she is the one who wanted to be on tv and was so unprepared to answer what seemed like to me a pretty easy question(i am 30, though).
i do have a tendency to make fun of others though, it is something i need to work on...i will try and be better's already one of my goals this week. thanks for keeping me honest, martha!

Wendy said...

I like your thoughts, Martha. I don't think there are any loopholes in the NT to argue with your ideas. I am very much against mocking other people, sarcasm, etc. I am feeling an urge to go scan through my blogs and recently sent emails to see if I've been careless and thoughtless. I appreciate, also, that you were bold enough to write this, and in a very non-preachy manner.

Heather Anna said...

You're right. I have felt the same way, but still fall into the habit sometimes. However, the other night I was talking to Matt about how he seems not to take offense and how that must be a nice way to live, to assume the best of people. So we started trying to think of someone he holds a grudge against, and we couldn't really think of any except . . . President Bush.

Heather Anna said...

Sorry, published before i finished my thought. So anway, I said if you think yo ushould just forgive people and assume they're doing their best, shouldn't that apply to the President as well? It's kind of the same idea right? I'm not just overly tired as I'm writing this?

martha corinna said...

I was going to write something about how this doesn't apply to Pres. Bush, but then decided against it. In the political forum I think we are supposed to critique but there is a line crossed when we are just mean. It's more about our souls then the person we are insulting.

Heather Anna said...

Matt thinks it shouldn't apply to Pres. Bush :) There is a difference though, you're right. Like if you make fun of Hillary's pant suits instead of really thinking about how you feel about her ideas. I feel ya.

martha corinna said...

I need to repent, I like to make fun of Hillary's pant suits.

Laurie said...

I love how you all are thinking about Pres. Bush when the whole time I was reading it, I was thinking about K-Fed and Britney!!!

Nathan said...

Okay, okay, okay....I am totally with Martha on this--truthfully. But I think there needs to be a definition of can totally make fun of Hillary's pant suit or the Miss Teen USA's answer about some people in the US being too poor to own maps, that's what she said, right? --What I'm saying is, you can "make fun" of them if its in good fun. Because, come on, Hillary has got to look at video clips and pictures of her self after a debate or an event and think: "What was I thinking? I look like a fool." I know I do. Heather-remember the Senior Dinner Dance and that AWESOMу tie? There is a way to "make fun" of other's choices and idiosyncrasies without being mean--you can even do it lovingly...Martha knows this, my family knows this--DR. KIA, anyone? "Making Fun" of others sometimes even shows your love for them. We all are just trying to make it through, even Britney and F.Fed and Hilary and, yes, God Forgive me,even Presdident Bush--I think, he is...I want to believe he is--(just over a year people and its over...YIPEEE!!!) My point is--I love Brintey, I love Hilary, I love Pres. Bush.....because Jesus told me to. They are my brothers and sisters--I don't know them personally, but because they are, in some hyper modern cyber digital metaphysical way, a part of my life I occassionally lovingly make fun of them. Just the way, all my family and freinds make fun of me and my slip ups, choices, mistakes and Nate-ness. It makes me feel loved....sometimes. =)

Wendy said...

I think it all counts, even if I'm not perfect about it. There's a fine line between lovingly making fun of and hurtfully doing so. I have damaged two friendships by lovingly making fun. One never knows if what is said in fun is hurtful to the other person.

And as far as mocking people who say or wear stipid stuff, our kids will observe and learn by our actions. I don't want to model that to kids. I really think the further we shy away from it, the better.

martha corinna said...

I wasn't specifically talking about Pres. Bush, in fact, I wasn't really thinking of him until the end.
To be honest I was thinking a little of Brittney.

martha corinna said...

Sometimes it does Nate. I understand what you are saying.
I hope I don't hurt Bobby's feelings with the "I speak jive" T-shirt. It is poking a little fun at him.
But I know what Wendy is saying, sometimes our family has taken it too far. Especially when we were younger and really, love was hard to interpret in the sarcasm.

The Christensen Family said...

Such an important reminder for all of us... I appreciate your thoughts Martha - as usual:) My middle name is dysfunction with a family history to prove just that. I have such strong feelings about not judging anyone in any situation - because who knows what motivates their behavior? I think that it is unfair to make commentary on anyone's life or choices unless we have personally experienced the EXACT same situation... You are amazing and I think the world of you! Loves...

becky said...

amen! i completely agree with this and appreciate your post to remind each one of us...

King Family said...

That is funny that you were thinking about Britney in the post, because that is who I was thinking of. It sounds really stupid but I have been thinking about her and how sorry I feel for her and how I wish people would just leave her alone. I know she probably brings it on herself and has made some bad choices but I am sick of watching her try and being completely ridiculed. I think it has affected me so much because she is the first celebrity I have seen rise to the top and now become a total train wreck. Sorry for the novel, great post...I needed to hear that.