Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Griffiths & Turner's Hard ROCKIN' Party

Griffiths & Turner's employee and family party was held in our backyard Saturday night.
I assumed the hostess uniform (my apron). Brad stood post at the grill. The girls dressed in their best swimsuits, and Abram just chilled.

Things of interest at said party: 5 dozen ears of corn,

a wheelbarrow full of cold drinks,

slow-cooked then grilled chicken,

little tiny booties barely able to fill swimsuit bottoms,

awesome folk music and monster surround sound for the outdoor movie,

one hyper-sexy apron made by my brother's mother in-law,

one big-eyed baby boy,

loads of attorneys, escrow agents, escrow assistants, runners, accountants, wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, and offspring,

one Suzy (Suzy is my husband's partner's wife, Suzy feels my pain),

and one Turner and Griffiths of Griffiths & Turner.

It is a slow recovery after such a party.

There are still cold drinks in the backyard under the deck.
Help yourself.


Wendy said...

That looks so fun! And I love the apron. Much cuter than mine (though I know, nobody's competeing). It gives me a great idea for future efforts, though!

em kawasaki said...

If I know you, and I think I do, I'm sure everything was perfect and the food was delicious. It looks like a raging time! If only Brad's boss weren't so mean I would want to work for that company.

Rochelleht said...

Love a good party! I'm throwing one myself on Friday.

Is that your new house?

martha corinna said...

No, it's not our new house. Our new one won't be done until February probably.

Laurie said...

You guys know how to PARTY! But did Norah get up and dance with Brad like at the ward party?

martha corinna said...

OH. My. Goodness. I wish I had taken pictures of the ward talent show. My arms were full (as usual). Now that would have been an awesome blog post. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

The Christensen Family said...

Sexy apron indeed... I want one! (Obesessed with aprons.) You are definitely the hostess with the mostest. Looks like fun!