Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Morning on the 'G' Train

My day usually begins with cries of "Momma!" or "TINKLE, TINKLE (not twinkle), little star" coming from Lulu's striped bedroom.

(This is not wallpaper, I first designed this on my computer, then Brad and I taped and painted those stripes. I'm going to miss this house.)

Then it's onto our 'Dr. Oz' breakfast of oatmeal and fruit.

Abram patiently takes a break from the oatmeal and fruit so mom can snap his picture.

Then it's time to fix beautiful, healthy, 4 & 2 year old hair.

Then the girls fight, scratch, and pull hair. I have to fix hair once again so that my 4 year old can attend preschool without crying.

I check the house plans, once again.

Once I clean the upstairs it's time to clean the 'surprises' downstairs.

Finally, it's time to apply the red lipstick. Mommy needs red lipstick.

Drop Norah off at school, marking the end of my morning sprint.

Onto the afternoon jog and the evening kick to the finish line.


Wendy said...

So fun! I l-o-v-e the stripes. Who is Dr. Oz?

martha corinna said...

Dr. Oz is a heart surgeon who is on Oprah a lot. He knows everything and is always sharing his knowledge on health, food, stuff.
What Dr. Oz says I do :)
Although, I haven't watched Oprah for ages now and I'm sure I've missed sooo much of Dr. Oz's wisdom.

Nathan said...

Martha. Do you think Dr. Oz is an....lets say....interesting name for a Doctor?

I miss you! I miss the kids. I posted a long comment on your last post, too.

You'll like it!

martha corinna said...

Yes, it is an interesting name. He is the wiz though. Really. We've already cured numerous diseases in our home and we've experienced fewer sicknesses since our diet has switched to the 6? things you should eat everyday. I can't remember if it's six, all I know is I'm trying to eat 6 things regularly.

Laurie said...

A little red lipstick can go a long way to make me feel like a WOMAN.