Kelly, not diamonds, is a girl's best friend. Today she picked up a babysitter, brought the babysitter to her house, had the babysitter sit for our 4 oldest (we took our babies), and then took me to lunch for my birthday (she offered a few weeks ago but Norah was sick). Kelly and I lunched at a cute boutique in Highland called Dear Lizzie. She bought me...
A yummy pesto sandwich,
A gorgeous cupcake,
and a decadent Fizzy Lizzie (a bubbly drink with whipped cream on top).
Dear Lizzie's boutique and food must be all the rage here in the north end of the valley because Kelly and I ran into a number of acquaintances. First, I saw Arley sitting next to our table. Arley is a family friend from Michigan. Her husband baptized my parents. Next, Kelly saw Mrs. Pitts, her student teacher who taught her senior high school history class, sitting right by us. Mrs. Pitts took the photo above. Lastly, as I sat down to eat, I looked across to the table in front of me (OK, so there are only 4 tables in the whole joint, we were all very close together), and saw Brad's ex-girlfriend, Sarah. No, it's not like that. She and Brad are still friends and we have exchanged Christmas cards over the years, besides she is married and has 5 children. Brad's brother Wade, had an outdoor movie party on July 24th. I just missed Sarah and her family that night because of the early exit I had to make in order to avoid being the lady in the back with the crying baby that everyone rolls their eyes about. Since I really have never had a chance to speak with her, I took the opportunity today. She is lovely and kind. Brad has good taste.
After a much needed outing, I've decided it is good to leave one's home once in a while, especially to do something other then look at toilets, tubs, doors, and stone.
You are a treasured friend and a kindred spirit Kelly. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'm flattered, but feel I'm the lucky one...ALWAYS enjoy being with you!!! Thanks Martha Lou!!!
What a fun day! And such a need in a woman's life to have someone treat them to a day like this. You deserve it Martha! and love dear lizzie's too!
I love girlfriends, and that is a great one who gets the babysitter, I can't even get my husband to do that!
kelly is a great friend and i love that you two just went to dear lizzie's! you totally deserve it!
Isn't Kelly adorable... I feel lucky to call her a friend as well... And you are easy to love Martha - I feel the same way about being able to call you my friend! Don't you love Dear Lizzie's boutique - it really is one of my favorite places to escape! LOVE that it is so close... You deserve the escape - just don't wait too long before you do it again! Loves --
Yea for you! I love going out with friends. It is the highlight of my life. I mean, a girl can only take so much poop, etc. in her life. Nasty, but true.
That sounds delightful, Martha. I'm so glad you go to--much deserved, I'm sure!
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