Monday, August 20, 2007

9 Things or Better Titled 'Self Indulgence'

My sister in-law Katie ( she is professionally known as Kate) tagged me. I'm not comfortable with going on and on about me, but I have to admit, I am intrigued when given the opportunity to read personal information on blogs if it is kept short and interesting. I will try to keep my '9 things' short, I cannot promise interesting.

I. Some of you know I served a mission in eastern Canada, what you may not know is that 6 months previous to entering the MTC, I wouldn't have been caught dead as a sister missionary. My parents are converts so consequently they were unable to serve missions. I grew up in a rural area which infrequently was blessed by the service of sisters. The one's I did meet and went on splits with were not 'cool' enough to persuade me to consider a mission.
The story about how I came to serve a mission is a little longer then I want to take the time for right now and will be saved for another time. I'll just say, I LOVED serving and am overwhelmed with gratitude constantly that the Lord allowed me to represent Him in the Maritimes.

Here I am surrounded by a few of my companions

2. The Sunday before September 11th, Brad and I entered the back country of Yellowstone on horse back. We were accompanied by a guide and Brad's Aunt and Uncle. We didn't see any other people until we came out of the back country the following Saturday. It was obviously a number of days before we heard the news. People had been mourning for some time when we were in our initial shock.

Us at Yellowstone

3. The night before my sister, Sarah, was married in the temple, Brad and I rocked out at an AC/DC concert at the E center. It was so fun and couldn't be passed up but I've always felt a little sheepish about the juxtaposition of the two days.

4. I back-packed western Europe with my friend Lisa. We flew 1st class from Chicago to Brussels on Swiss Air and it was luxurious. Later we were robbed in Rome, slept on a train that went from Rome to Pisa and back, were stranded at the Leonardo Da Vinci airport, were rescued by a roman named Lucia (this is where I first heard the name Lucia - Brad heard and liked the name from his time in Brazil - an easy pick when we named Lulu), and spent the night in a convent. I almost forgot, we were also caught in the middle of a broken bottle fight in the subway, so Room with a View.

Here we are shopping at the street markets in Florence.

5. I love, Brad loves, and my family loves Bombay House. We can't get enough of that fragrant, spicy Indian food.

Here we are at the Foothill Dr. location a few years ago for my mother's birthday.

6. I don't love pizza. It's too heavy for me. I make my own which is much lighter and I do enjoy that. But I think I am alone on the not liking pizza thing (I'm also not a big fan of chocolate or ice cream).

Sitting next to my sister pretending to love the pizza pipeline.

7.I used to like our dog, Tequila, before we had children, now I detest her. I cannot abide her barking, nipping, chasing the neighbors and defecating on my rugs. I count the days until Tequila has chased her last UPS man.

Loving Tequila in our pre-children days.

8. When I returned from my mission I took a job at a behavioral facility which will remain unnamed in order to protect identities. I endured many an *%# kicking during the 2 years I was employed at this facility. For some reason I believed that I should be able to endure anything after serving a mission. I still brace myself whenever I hear a loud noise or yelling. Not too many white middle-class 100 lb. girls can say they've been punched repeatedly and been paid for it. (Actually, in terms of what I was being paid for doing that job I more appropriately would have been considered living below the poverty line so maybe this and Crosby Minnesota explain my blue collar streak)

At a Christmas party with fellow punching bags.

9. I don't have a picture for this one but my 9th thing you probably don't know about me is, I eat more than my husband when I'm breastfeeding my babies. I enjoy eating way too much. All my pregnancies and breastfeeding have overlapped so I haven't fasted in over 5 years now. I'm afraid of what will happen when I have the opportunity again.

So now you're in the know.


Wendy said...

These were great to read! I admire you for taking the punching bag job . . . and keeping it that long!

Laurie said...

I love these things where you get to know friends better. You have had the most amazing, full life already! Very impressive!

Kelie said...

I loved reading about you! So many fun and great accomplishments! You are amazing!

becky said...

i love how honest you always are! thank you for sharing a little bit about you!

Tate Family said...

Wow little PB...punching bag! Who knew? Um, still up for lunch for past bday? Name the date girl and get on it. As for the name...I was confused the first time I read Brad's choice...LOVe it! But still, need more ideas...come on, what else you got? Knew you'd be up for this challenge!

em kawasaki said...

poor tequila! Oscar spends enough time feeling sorry for himself that we don't worry about it.