Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Beautiful Season

Sometimes my thoughts wander to a different life.

A life with sleep-filled nights. A life where mouths don't depend on my hand or breast to feed them.

A life where all household members have perfected use of the lavatory.

A life where 'dry clean only' and uncomfortable shoes are everyday wear.

Then I return, to my cottage home, which houses little hands, many mouths, curious eyes, and inquisitive minds.

This home has floors to clean, cheeks to kiss, laundry to fold, hands to hold, and children to grow.

Will I miss this season when it passes?

Will I miss cries of "momma!"?

Will I long for a little body to cuddle and console?

Will the chasing and squealing be warm memories?

Of course.

The 'sometimes' need to be fewer and this 'season' more enjoyed.

For I have been blessed.


Wendy said...

Martha, this is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Isn't it hard to always be grateful for the season we are each in? As much as I long to be in your motherhood shoes, I try to not forget the many freedoms I enjoy . . . sleepful nights, absence of toilet issues, ownership of my breasts, small laundry loads, and uncomplicated road trips. I hope I miss this time--I hope I can say that I've enjoyed it and did not merely wallow in the areas of lack.

I love this post, your thoughts and pictures. I'm sure you will miss your current season and find moments of joy in each season.

martha corinna said...

wendy, you are so right. it is difficult to always appreciate the blessings here and now.
i do hope that you someday get to miss this type of season too wendy.

Tate Family said...

Amen sista....perfectly said!!!

Celia Fae said...

My husband always talks about how orderly our house will be when the children are gone. The thought makes me want to cry. We're going to have to get some big dogs so I have someone to blame stuff on.

becky said...

that was perfectly said! i absolutely love reading your posts are talented! hope you enjoyed that catalog...i love it!

Nathan said...

Martha, sometimes I don't know what to say when I comment because your posts are so beautiful and this one. I miss you and I wish I was there more often to share a little more of this "beautiful season" with you and your children! love you.

Kelie said...

Definitely a season to be missed, sometimes hard for me to realize it at the moment. I love your posts! You are so creative, I am jealous of your talent!

Leslee said...

I'm responding as I'm honestly about to strangle my kids, and yet I know as they grow older I will miss these days like crazy! It is so true.

Brooke said...

i try to tell myself this all the time: to enjoy it while i have it.

and yet...

it's good to be reminded. so thank you for reminding me in such a lovely way.

Heather Anna said...

I usually say, "maybe in another season of my life I'll be able to do such and such," but I think I often overlook this one I'm in now and I know I will miss it, so I better darn well live it up! Thanks for the lovely pictures.