Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tagged by Angie

I was tagged by Angie, a few days ago. I have not met Angie, I'm guessing she went to school with my brothers Nate and Andy, is that right Angie? Anyway, I find her blog honest and hilarious and she seems so smart. Plus, she's a blond goddess. So here are my 7 semi-weird things. I didn't really follow all the rules, but I did dig deep.

1. I agree with Angie that hell would be 7th grade. I had a tough 7th grade year. Because I lived in a fairly small town, I started running varsity cross country and track in 7th grade. The cross country season went fairly well. I had a tough winter and was sick a lot. In fact I was hospitalized in Feb. or March, I don't remember which. Anyway, the track season started while I was in the hospital. When I got out, there was a meet about a week later. It was still pretty darn cold in Minnesota and I was pretty weak and out of shape. I should add that I was not a physically mature 7th grader, I still could have been in elementary school. Well, my coach made me enter the 2 mile race that meet. 2 miles is 8 times around the track. The 2 mile race was also one of the last races. Not only was I in no shape to compete at this point, but I was a tiny girl running against a number of juniors and seniors. It was dark, the snow was falling and I was lapped by the leader. 7th grade totally rocked. It was so sad. It would be a number of years until I would be able to make myself feel better by lapping someone else.
The picture below is not from 7th grade, I have no idea where my 7th grade yearbook is. This one is from 10th grade and it is to show you how awesome I look when i run.

2. My hair is big. It is thick. It is coarse. It is curly. And it is frizzy. I rarely fix my hair, I usually wash it and pull it back in a pony tail hoping it will be smoothish when it dries. It really never is, so I just continue to wear it up. I am a very low maintenance hair person.

This is what it looks like when untamed.

The above is one of the times that I have actually fixed it with product and a blow dryer.
The below is how I fixed it after I had Norah. Brad felt sorry for me and bought me a chi. I used it for a while and then just fell back into my old lazy ways.

3. I secretly have monster eyebrows. It took me until my freshman year of college to learn how to tweeze. My beautiful friend Metzi Martinez taught me how to tweeze my eyebrows and I will be forever grateful.

16 and hairy

4. This one is for you Emily Smith.One of my first dates with my husband was a B.B.King concert at the U. The weird thing is it was a threesome. I went on a date with Brad and his friend and band mate, Kelly. I had never met Kelly before and I still didn't really know Brad that well. It was an interesting date.

Kelly is the redhead below.

5. While Brad and I were engaged, Brad's sister Emily gave birth to her son Glade. She invited me to be in the room when Glade was born and I've always been grateful for the opportunity. I have yet to repay it Emily, maybe next time.

At Glade's Birth,

6. I secretly (now it's not such a secret) am a food, book, and movie (not that I see any) snob. I try to never let on and I really do not judge other's likes, it's just my problem. I try to be open minded but I guess I have high expectations.

7. I have serious issues with meat. I like the taste of meat, but it makes me feel indulgent and gluttonous. When I was young, before my parents were LDS, we were vegetarians. I'm not sure if this is where it stems from, but if I had to kill my meat I would be a vegetarian without any difficulty. Is it hypocritical to eat the meat if someone else had killed it?


Wendy said...

Seven semi-weird things . . . those aren't too bad! If I didn't pluck, I'd have a mono-brow, but now as thick as yours. I love meat. Mmmm...

These were fun to read! Hope you're having a fun day!

Paige said...

What's a chi?

Your big brow picture is very Brooke Shields circa 1984. Very in style.

Celia Fae said...

Do you ever take an ugly picture? Can I see one?

I'm a book snob too. I try not to judge but I can't help myself.

I loved learning more about you.

Rochelleht said...

Chi is a ceramic straightener.

Martha, I have crazy, wild hair too. If I let it blow dry on its own, it goes half curly, half frizzy. But no matter how I let it dry, I always always always hot roller it. Five rollers are the key to my happiness.

That was fun. I have been tagged by 2 people, so I need to do this at some point too. It's hard to think of stuff. Your's was very interesting and definitely random, which I love.

I'm with Celia. You are SO photogenic, which just means that you are beautiful.

martha corinna said...

You guys are all way too kind. I really hesitated to post some of those pictures, but I thought, "we are all friends in this blogging world" (hopefully).
paige-I tried to take comfort in the fact that brooke was very popular during the 80's but I was amongst mostly Scandinavians in Minnesota and my monster brows stood out like sore thumbs. My chi rocks, I just am lazy.
Celia, I do have ugly pictures, and no you can not see them.
Rochelle, you should do your tags, I'd be interested. I need to know about your 5 rollers. They may save me from my life of hair horrors.

mindy said...

I'm starting to think 7th grade was hell for everyone;)
That picture of you and brad..ouch your hot!!)

Laurie said...

I NEVER get sick of hearing about you. Or seeing pictures (those are my favs). You really could write a book.

em kawasaki said...

Thanks for the shout out. Ahh Kelly. That would have been a great date.

King Family said...

Thanks for doing the tag. You are hilarious. Even though we don't know each other I have no doubt in my mind that when and if we ever do we will be the best of friends as you are very clever and smart. To answer your questions-I didn't go to high school with either of your brothers, I am younger but I went to OHS and participated in DRAMA! That is how I know Nathan so well AND we played opposite each other in Fiddler on the Roof and laughed our heads off during his big song-"I know what everything's fo---laugh-r!" You'll have to ask him about it.