Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blogging Conflictions

I guess I'll just come right out and say it, I'm conflicted about blogging. I started to blog because I believed it would be a good way to document my families life and because I thought it would be a good way to keep in touch with my family and friends.
I have done much better, since I became a blogger, at documenting my families life. I take tons of pictures and I write about our children.
I have been able to better stay in touch with my brother Nate, who lives in NYC, and I have enjoyed that.
My sister who lives in Pittsburgh, is another story. She doesn't blog and she doesn't read my blog, OK, like maybe twice she has.
My best friend Erica was all pumped when I presented the idea of blogging as a way to see each other's families and keep up. She had a good start. We were blogging buddies for about a month. Then she moved. She always falls off the face of the earth every time she moves (this is true Erica, don't deny it, if you read this, that is). Last time she moved, I thought something horrible happened, like she was dead, or she got divorced. But all the worry was for naught, she just disappears for a while when she moves. Kind of like she has disappeared from blogging land.
I have enjoyed all the new friends I have made. I love reading their posts and getting to know them. I've been provided entertainment and a lot of laughs.
I've loved understanding and knowing my sisters in church better. They have wonderful blogs that have propelled me forward as a mother and wife, and I will be forever grateful for that.
I have also been grateful to have blogging as a creative outlet. At times, I've been able to express myself in ways that I haven't been able to in years.
I have a few problems with blogging though. First, it takes a lot of time. Blogger is slow, or at least my computer is.
Second, it makes me a little anxious. I tend to get anxious at times, so posting for the whole world to see sets off a little anxiety. I really don't care who reads my posts, it's more about the creation and then throwing it out there. It's a little bit of stress and it gives me a headache on top of the headache of my baby still not sleeping (and I really am doing everything by the book with trying to get my baby to sleep, please do not think that I'm not).
Third, I have lots of stories and pictures, but not enough time to post them, thus there is the frustration. I get frustrated that I'm too busy to write stuff down, then I feel selfish because I feel frustrated.
Fourth, even though we have a general contractor, the home we are building takes a lot of time. I feel guilty because I drag my children all over the place and they sit in the car in front of our home watching Bambi or something of that nature, while I talk to a sub. So it is difficult for me to feel good about taking the time to post 4 or 5 times a week.
I guess what I am asking and saying is, do you ever feel this way? Do I attribute too much stress to blogging? Maybe I should only post 3 times a week (which I have done on occasion, but for some reason I feel pressure to post more often).
Maybe I'm looking for an excuse to feel better about blogging.

There will be a few pictures of my children at the Scarecrow festival to semi-prove that blogging is worth it, when blogger will finally allow me to upload them.

Any thoughts, I need them.


Celia Fae said...

Dear Martha,
I feel your pain. I have issues with blogging too. Not the same issues, but still... Do you have someone to talk to that understands? Sometimes that helps me. I consider blogging my hobby, I guess. But I am also conflicted about the time element.

I hope you don't do anything drastic. Look for an email from moi.

just jen said...

i love your blog...i think of blogging as my hobby too. i don't go to book club or do any scrapbooking, so i kind of think of it as me time. i usually do it right after the kids go to bed or right before i go to bed. it is cleansing to me to be able to put my stories out there...not only for posterity, but also to know that someone else will have some advice or other things to share makes me feel like my voice is heard. something that i don't feel happens very much when most of my time is spent with a 4 and 1 year know what i mean?

The Christensen Family said...

I feel your pain and confusion... I feel all sorts of pressure to post often - however, I apparently am better at ignoring that little voice than you are because I only post every once in a while. But I must tell you that I love your blog! I read it as often as I can and have found so much inspiration in your posts... Keep it up -- just slow down if you need to...:) I have found all sorts of motivation in keeping better track of my family and better at taking photos more often...I think that it is a worthy past time. It is my pretend family history since I seem to collect scrapbook supplies yet never put them to use... :)

Nortorious said...

I have the same conflicts about blogging. My main problem is hereditary verebal diarreha, in which I just want to blog about all the hilarious bad stuff rather than say nice things. It is a time suck and I do believe I am addicted.
(Visiting via Celia's)

Seth said...

I love your blog. I don't think we have ever formally met but I am glad I found your blog via Nate's. You are clever and witty and I like pretending we are friends....keep on posting.

Seth said...

ps, I am not Seth (that is my husband who btw is good friends with your brother Andy)...I am Angie Boyle King...friend of Nate's.

D-dawg said...

I, too, know how you feel. I started as a way to keep in touch with family and friends but now it is just a venting place for me. And I find myself writing too personal things sometimes. One thing that has helped me is making rules for myself. For awhile I was only allowed to do it at night when the kids were in bed. That way they wouldn't grow up thinking I loved the computer more than them. Also, another thing I've tried is setting a timer by the computer and only allowing myself like 30 minutes or something. I know someone who is only allowed to get on 2 times in the day. Maybe try setting some rules for yourself. Good luck, but just know that we all have the same issues!

Paige said...

Definitely cut down if it makes you feel better, but doesn't it give you something to focus on during the day? I like it because if something horrid happens, or even just everyday life, I can get an immediate perspective about it because I have to write about it later!

Set a time to do it, and then you can either just read someone else's if you have nothing to post, or just post your own and don't read anyone else's that day. I always blog when dishes are waiting, because they are so good at waiting for me.

Tate Family said...

Martha...I often or extraction work...So I've set rules because it's VERY addicting...I agree, set rules...I have mine and they seem to help me, mind you, I DO need to probably write more...I just don't have much to say lately, but LOVE reading your thoughts!!!

Crystal said...

By how many comments you recieve I think that it is fair to say that you have a little fan club going here and I would hate for any one to miss out on any of your witty and interesting stories! and you do have a way of writing that I envy...You make everything sound so smart! It is truly a talent and I think it is worth your time, (within reason of course)?!

Rochelleht said...

Such a dilemma. I only post every other day and usually avoid weekends so that equals out to about 3-4 times a week. I don't have that much to say. But my time gets sucked by the running over for a second to check comments, check everyone else's blogs, check their comments. UGH! I do hate when I allow myself to waste too much time doing it. I am best early morning. After the boys go to school and before the girls get up. If I could just stay off the rest of the day...

But I LOVE your blog, so please continue. Just cut back if you need to. I have been inspired by much of what you have had to say. I loved your post about making fun of celebs, for instance. Honest but true.

Wendy said...

I love your blog and relate to the conflictedness, and the anxiety too.

Admittedly, I know I blog too much. I've been finding a better balance lately by cutting back on how much time I spend reading everybody else's blogs, and that feels better. I have enjoyed the connections I make in blogging, but I recently realized that I have more real connections outside of the blogosphere that I could be spending time with, were I not at the computer SO much . . . so I'm changing.

Re: the anxiety, I think it's been good for me to have to evaluate how much I'm caring what other people think, how much I'm being myself v. trying to "be" for other people, etc. I think it's been a good stretch to sort through those things.

PLUS, I vent/rant more in my journal, which I think is not productive. I don't do that on my blog because I don't want to encourage myself to be ornery. I like what Paige said about getting perspective through blogging--it does help me that way.

A faster connection makes blogging less slow. Good luck with that. I bet you will find the balance you are seeking, and that it will change through various events.

Wendy said...

Ooh--that was longer than I planned! Sorry! :)

martha corinna said...

celia-thanks for the email.

jen-i'm with you on the hobby thing.

steph-this is my family history too.

notorious-I have to keep myself in check, b/c there are certainly days where I could say some nasty stuff, but then I would so regret it.

seth, I mean angie-i didn't know that seth was friends with andy. I'll have to ask him about it. thanks for all your kind words, love your blog.

denae-maybe i should do the timer thing, and I have made rules, but sometimes they get broken. i'm bad at rules.

paige-you are right about blogging keeping things in perspective. I do feel that when something bad happens.

kelly-you do extraction work? I thought Pres. Yadon's talk was just a suggestion :) Why are you so righteous? Really, I need to get started b/c hello, my family has no work done since my parents are converts, and my mom and dad don't do it. come over.

crystal-you are so nice, i'm glad you are my neighbor.

rochelle-I think I'm going to do the every other day thing, unless it's just too important. We have a lot in common.

Wendy-You are wise. We have DSL, it's uploading my pictures that bites. Maybe it's my pictures.

em kawasaki said...

Once again, I am the fifteenth comment. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said so I will just say what has already been said. I love your blog and that we have been able to stay in touch through it but no pressure.

Wendy said...

It could be the pictures. I usually resize mine so it takes less time...

mindy said...

You are definitely not alone with the blogging conflicts. There have been so many times that I feel guilty sitting down at the computer wondering if I am taking time away from my kids or Lee. I tend to do it mostly durring nap time or at night, trying to eliminate that conflict.
I just wanted you to know that I have seriously enjoyed your blog. I enjoy how open you are and love the opportunity you have given us to get to know you better. I have so many insecurities that stop me from opening up and sharing. I read posts like yours and think it's time to let down those barriers and start letting people in. Easier said that done, but I want to try:) Thanks Martha

Laurie said...

Well, I see you've gotten LOADS of other opinions, but you cannot stop blogging! I've started doing it more for myself than my family and I'm okay with that. Wouldn't you love to read back on your mother's opinion of things when she was our age? No matter what the topic? Plus it's just a great outlet and networking thing, because we don't have time to go to lunch once a week!

Mrs. Misses said...

I have to admit that I often do not comment on your blog because there are a million people already commenting!! They basically say what I would have said, so I feel stupid just repeating the basic consensus. Your blog is so fun to read. Do it for yourself and your family and don't worry about us. We will anticipate every blog and keep checking in, even if it is once a week.

Mrs. Misses said...

PS Where is Nate??? I know he's on his way back to the states but I cannot get any communication from him! Do you have a phone number for him? I am needing my Nate fix!

Heather Anna said...

Just wanted to let you know that I haven't had a chance to read your blog lately, and I've missed it. You're great, creative, insightful and it's been good getting to know you better on your blog.

Do what works for you and know that it will probably be a blessing or a treat for anyone who takes the time to partake.::-)

shauna said...

I am visiting via Paige via Lorena and I love your style. You write and express yourself the way I wish I could.

In some ways blogging stresses me more and some ways it helps me laugh during the maddening event and not just after.

Keep up the witty work.