Monday, October 29, 2007

Ghetto Martha {Stewart} Griffiths

I have a love/hate relationship with my (not so much) namesake, Martha Stewart. I love to be creative, if I were unable to create and to beautify (this is very subjective, so no nasty comments please), I would probably shrivel up and be a very bitter woman. Martha Stewart all but has the monopoly on creative homemaking, decorating, cooking, sewing, crafting, holidaying, and gardening. Could Martha have any more magazines that peddle her awesome enterprising abilities, craftiness, ingenuity, and style? Probably not. Could I subscribe to any more of her periodicals in order to perpetuate my need to compete/comply with the Empress that is Martha? Probably not.
My beef with Martha is that, although I have plenty of stylish/creative ideas, Martha always seems to stay one step ahead of me, or completely out do my idea by making hers just a little more spectacular, thus making me ghetto.

Case and point, well a number of cases and points:

A few years ago, I had the idea of doing a black and white photo family history wall. The idea was to have my ancestors, or at least the ones I had photos of and my family on one wall, to create a visual history. I started, and then the above is all the further I got. One of these days it was really going to happen. Then I get my Martha Stewart living and the chick has stolen my idea and made it magnificent.

Ok, so maybe there are a few black and white family history walls out there, but it was MY idea I say.

When we moved into this house, I made a little collage of sketches and paintings on the wall. But I guess it's not chic because according to Blueprint, the frames should be empty and all the same color.

I've always loved my pot rack. It' functional, it's pretty. Then I open the issue with Martha's Turkey Hill home and find out no one does the pot rack like Martha.

I had the idea of doing a harlequin pattern in our entry way in our new home (after deciding it wasn't right for the kitchen). Then I see she did a harlequin pattern in her Turkey Hill entry way, and she even stenciled it on.

I've always fancied myself a little of a post modern pinup. I don't like trends. I love skirts, red lipstick, femininity, and soft unmanicured hair. Next thing I know, Martha turns the PMP hip. The unmanicured hair is perfect and just makes mine look like what it is, messy.

Sometimes I just accept defeat and comply with the powers that be. I made the above and although it was delicious it didn't look nearly as beautiful because it boiled over in my oven and filled my house with smoke.

I decided to just let the god that is Martha dictate what my familie's Halloween costumes would be this year. Her version is above, my ghetto version below (I have to say, I did one up her with the leaf skirts though, maybe that cancels out the rest of the haphazardness of it).

It's like I live in a parallel universe with Martha. Only I live in Lehi, UT and she lives, well, like in 10 different places (none of which are Lehi).
I once had an investigator on my mission who told me that he really wrote the lyrics to The Eagles' Hotel California. He said he wrote it in a trailer out in the woods and that Don Henley must have been spying on him and stole the lyrics (why he wrote a song which involved California is puzzling since he had never left New Brunswick, which is clear across the continent from California, and why Don Helnley would be looking for lyrics in New Castle, New Brusnswick is also puzzling). I used to think he was nuts. But now, I have to consider that maybe he was onto something. Perhaps Martha has been taping into my genius and improving upon my ideas. Do you think I have a lawsuit (Andy)?


Wendy said...

I'd definitely get a lawyer. Wait, you have one!

I would venture to say that your ideas are smashing, and the fact that you think of things before you see them in her magazine says worlds. So you didn't plan to stencil your entryway? Stenciling is over-rated. Plus, how many idea-come-up-withers does she have to pay to create such groovey stuff. You did it all on your own! And with three kids!

I'd subscribe to your magazines in a heartbeat.

And your hair does not look messy. You look mahvelous.

Maybe she has a spy, watching your every move...

just jen said...

i also have a love/hate relationship with martha stewart...i love her style and hate that i cannot duplicate it. maybe someday when i have a real house and no kids in it ;)

Wendy said...

spell check-- "groovy"

marta said...

i love this post. i just found your blog and completely agree with everything you said! life cannot be magazine picture perfect in real life.. but you and your darlings look pretty close to the real deal.

keep up your original 'martha' creations.

Crystal said...

This is soo funny.... Martha has the "it" factor...just something about her we just cant live up to, but If you were to ask me I would say you are in the running with the best of them...Now me on the other hand I have along way to go..I dont even subscribe to the mag. Yikes...=)

Rochelleht said...

Ok, I LOVE your Halloween costumes. At least you didn't have to tell your children you were going as 'some weird lady'.

Your house is gorgeous and so are you! I will be excited when you move into your new one and see all your great ideas.

Celia Fae said...

You are an inspiration to a few instead of the masses, thus making you private and exclusive. I bet you won't hawk your wares at Kmart. I admire all of the creative things you've accomplished and I think Martha's people have been spying on you. She has unlimited resources. It could happen. If I were one of Martha's minions, I would have a spy in Utah. There's good stuff there.

Natalie said...

Your blog always cracks me up... Your Halloween costumes (including Brad's) might be the cutest ones I've seen all year.

I could also use a little of Ghetto Martha to help me decorate this new house of mine... Any ideas?

Paige said...

That is the cutest Halloween costume family ever! We tried the bee/beekeeper thing last year too but my husband was not compliant enough. Let's hear it for a costume compliant husband.

It is easy for Old Martha to do all that stuff because she doesn't have to have a REAL life and do all this stuff. Nevertheless, I love your pot rack and family wall. Her family wall is way overdone.

Andy Wright said...

Martha, as long as you pay the hourly bill, I'll tell you that you have a lawsuit.

The Christensen Family said...

Where to start? I too have a deep infatuation with all things Martha... So mad that she is not my name sake! :) You are amazingly creative and just like her... You are a gorgeous PMP and she can't top your amazing anthropologie wardrobe! So lucky to have you for a friend -- hoping some of your creative goddess abilities will wear off on me!

Kelie said...

Love the coordinating costumes...darling! so very creative, in all you do!

D-dawg said...

I think your stuff looks better than Martha's. Yours is much simpler and I like that. But yes, I do think she could be spying... you just never know. Keep up the great idea's and forget about her!

Tate Family said...

Oh Martha, no one, not even Martha S. can write as creative as you...LOVE IT...and the costumes...Bug catcher...BRILLANT

shauna said...

Hi Martha,

What is a PMP? Is that some blog lingo to weed out the newbies. If one of those P's stands for Princess, I am there. If not I am there anyway, especially it makes me ANYTHING like you. I subscribe already.

Happy Halloween.

Laurie said...

Honey, you put Ms. Stewart to shame!