Friday, October 12, 2007

The End

I fear my garden's beautiful bounty is drawing to a close. I will miss running down my spiral steps in order to obtain a few ripe tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, basil, peppers, cilantro, and parsley. The garden has enabled me to be a lazy mom this summer. I often put off thinking of dinner until about 4:30p.m. when I would meander out to the garden and decide what was cooking by what appeared to be ripe.
So goodbye to the perfume of thyme, marjoram, and marigolds. Your passing is too soon.
I believe I will celebrate this farewell by having a fried green tomato party. Anyone want some green tomatoes? I have at least 500.

Another phase has come to a close in our little lives. My son is no longer an immobile baby. Finally, days before he turns 11 months, he has learned to crawl. Now when people ask me if he is walking, I will no loner have to hang my head in guilt as I tell them that he doesn't even crawl yet. You wouldn't believe how many, "Well have you tried showing him how to crawl?"s I got.

Congratulations Abram!


Paige said...

Did you tell him that you step on his back every time he gets into crawling position because you don't WANT your sweet baby mobile? What a pain. Sorry he has to grow up, he's cute and I love his name. Goes with my sons name, Solomon.

mindy said...

I can't tell you how hungry that picture just made me.. oh and I hope Kinley is at least 11 months before she learns to crawl, definitely makes life easier!

Laurie said...

I can't even imagine eating all those veggies, let alone growing them in my backyard! I am envious though - you have a way of making everything you touch beautiful!

em kawasaki said...

We are also sad to say goodbye to our garden. I would take some tomatoes if we didn't also have about 500 also. Mila has been crawling since she was 6 months old so I am a little jealous how long you were able to put it off.

martha corinna said...

I love his name too Paige. I had a dream that we had another son and his name was Moses. Abram and Moses, is it too much Old Testament?
Mindy, I know, it makes me hungry too.
Laurie, that is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me (some people I know would beg to differ). I am glad I have you around, you are a HUGE boost to my self esteem.
Emily, we should have a fried green tomato party together and invite everyone we know. Brad and I had a meeting with a low voltage guy for our new home. I brought Abram. He saw Abram just sitting on the floor playing with some toys and asked why he wasn't moving around. I told him he was not yet crawling. He then went on to tell us about all three of his kids who were so smart and so early to learn everything and walked so early an blah, blah, blah. I don't really mind that he didn't crawl until 11 months (by my 3rd I realize it happens sooner or later), I just didn't want to endure any more comparisons by people who wanted to let make sure I knew my son was slow.

Wendy said...

Congrats on the crawling son, and condolances on the dying garden. I have missed having a garden this year (Japanese Beetle spraying in our neighborhood).

Leslee said...

Both of my kids were slow on the whole crawling/walking thing. Obviously with my first I was panicked but by my second I knew it would happen sooner or later so I didn't care...that was until my little neice that was 2 weeks older than Jace started walking at 9 months and Jace was barely crawling - then I started getting smothered in the comparison thing! So I've decided you can't have a baby at the same time as anyone else you know! I really do hate the whole comparison game!

The Christensen Family said...

How amazing! We are definitely doing lunch at your house next time! :) Everything you post pictures of makes my mouth water... Congrats on crawling. (Sort of... I like the immobile stage too!) And thank you again for lending me the magazine. It is exactly what we were dreaming up in real life photos! You are an angel...

Tate Family said...

How lucky are you that it's taken him that long. I hope Holden follows in his footsteps...HA!

D-dawg said...

wow, look at his big eyes! So cute! I wish I had a garden but unfortunately I have no idea how to grow things. It looks delicious.