Friday, July 20, 2007

Facts of Life

Fact 1: Gold fish don't live very long.

A little over a month ago Norah attended her first day camp at Thanksgiving Point. The theme of the camp was Under Water World. I dropped her off anticipating fun for Norah. 3 hours later I parked in front of the TGP water tower to pick her up. While crossing the main boulevard to the patio where the 4 &5 year olds were seated, I noticed one large water-filled plastic bag in front of each child. As I got closer I suspiciously thought, "What's in those bags?". It was what you are thinking, a goldfish. Don't you think this should have been disclosed to the parent at the start of the camp? Anyway, that night Brad, I, and the rest of our family headed over to Petsmart to get an aquarium and food. Brad decided to also get the fish, which Norah had named 'Dori', a friend. Norah named this friend Nemo. Yes, I know, very original, but Nemo and Dori were her only experience to date, with fish.
We provided the fish a lovely home in our dining room. Norah and Lulu took turns feeding the fish. The fish were a constant source of entertainment.
One day while mopping the floor, the corner of my eye caught sight of only 1 fish. In dread I turned to see Dori sucked up under the filter, bloated and pale. I knew this day would come but why so soon? I flushed the fish and cleaned the tank for the surviving Nemo. All of this took place while Norah was at another day camp. When Norah arrived home she asked where Dori was. I told her Dori got sick and died. Norah said, "Did you flush her down the toilet?". I didn't know where she had learned that this is the fate for domestic fish but I am assuming there is a scene in Nemo about fish and toilets.

Fact 2: People live longer then fish, but not forever.

A few weeks pass and I walk by the fish tank. I don't see any swimming fish. I look closer, yes, one dead Nemo. It's Brad's turn to flush the fish. Norah didn't see the fish go to it's watery grave because it was 10:30 pm. The next morning as she enters the dining room she asks, "Where's Nemo?". "Nemo was sick and died honey", I say. Later, saddened with the loss of 2 fish, Norah says, "Mommy, I really miss Dori and Nemo". I say they are happy in heaven. Norah says, "Why do they have to go to heaven?". I think, "I guess it's time to tell her about death". "Norah, everything must die. Someday Tequila will die(our dog), someday Grandma and Grandpa will die. Someday Mommy and Daddy will die.", I say. Norah says, "Will I die someday?". I say, "Yes, but not for a long time". Norah screams, "I don't want to be flushed down the toilet!".
Good times.


Wendy said...

Poor fishies. Poor Norah. I hope you don't flush her! :)

Wendy said...

Me again (avoiding dishes for a few more minutes)...not relevant to the fishies at all. I just listened to some of Dan Zanes--he is GREAT! My husband would probably plug his ears, but I LOVE IT! I'm glad you had him on your blog!

Nathan said...

LOL! You need to submit to something, Martha! You ARE a writer! I wish I was there...I feel like I'm missing out on my nieces' growing up...Norah's first pet you!!!

Tate Family said...

Hey Martha, Nothing special to say...I justlove how much I enjoy reading your blog.