Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

OK, so I have a confession. I don't have it all figured out. Actually I don't have much figured out. I most certainly fall short of the ideal mother that I would like to be. These days it's about all I can do to make it through the day. I've been through two previous infancies. Both of my daughters were poor sleepers and didn't obtain the holy grail of 'sleeping through the night' until they were done being breastfed. That's right, they were 14 and 16 months. It was OK, I survived. My son though...I don't know if I would call this 'surviving'. I am a cold blooded zombie(do zombies have blood?) straight from Night and Day of the Living Dead. He wakes about 6 times every night. Not only does he awake often, he fusses so much starting around midnight. He is 8 months old and I am tired. During the day he is the sweetest gem of a boy. By night he is a demon trained in the fine art of mommy torture.
The thing is, I'm down with letting him cry a little but he sleeps in our closet right now. Our oldest sleeps in our master bath and our second daughter sleeps in the bedroom on the other side of our closet wall. Don't ask, it's a long sordid tale. This is the way it will probably be for the next 6 months until our new home is completed so...the crying may be a problem because of the close proximity of the WHOLE FREAKING FAMILY.
I'm at the sleep deprived point where it is difficult to form words in my head let alone be patient with my children. They deserve better then the shell of a broken woman that I am right now. Any suggestions? I'm desperate.

While you are pondering ways to save my children and me from a bitter end or at least a very bitter 6 months, here are some photos of the Dr. Jekyll or is it Mr. Hyde? I don't know, I'm lucky to even remember my name right now.

That red on his nose is lipstick from a fresh kiss, I still love the monster.


Wendy said...

Your kids are beautiful! What fun pictures!

My heart goes out to you and the sleep issue. It doesn't sound like an easy solution with the cramped quarters--ugh. I have no idea what I would do, if that were the case--maybe hire someone to watch the kids for a couple of hours so you could nap?

I actually am dreading that particular aspect of motherhood, because I know how much I am enjoying 8 hours of sleep now, and I hear and see how hard it is to not have those blessed, uninterupted 8 hours.

The one thing that comes to mind is a good friend of mine who had similar patterns with her firstborn for about a year. She was a wreck by the end of it. Sleep deprivation is nasty. She finally let him cry, and when he finally fell asleep, he slept for 13 (or 15?) hours. She realized they were in a pattern that didn't do either of them any good--he was sleep deprived, too! His sleep normalized quickly, and she began to recoup as well. That may or may not be relevant at all, but your post brought it to mind. Maybe your little one needs you to set the sleep pattern for him? I've heard "Baby Whisperer" has good ideas on setting sleep patterns.

So . . . from my years of personal experience with the matter :) I do hope that helps! And if it does, will you remind me when I'm facing the same thing? Hang in there!

Nathan said...

Martha, I have no advice-listen to Wendy. I'm sorry...if I was there I'd watch the kids for a few hours as Wendy suggests...I love you.

Wendy said...

Okay, now it's my turn to have some self-doubt about my post-abilities. I'm hoping your request for ideas was not merely rhetorical and that my input wasn't annoying! I also really do hope you can find some sleep and some answers!