Friday, November 30, 2007


Happy Birthday Dear Brad.

Here are 39 thank yous to my incredibly handsome, talented, good, husband to round out my grateful November.

1. Since you didn't have me at hello, thank you for continuing to say hello at least 100 times more (or so).

2. Thank you for being a spectacular kisser.

3. Thank you for being such a hard worker and a good provider.

4. Thank you for introducing me to medium rare steak.

5. Thank you for a warm, safe home.

6. Thank you for being so patient with my quirks.

7. Thank you for continuing to compliment my derriere in jeans even though it is no longer 25.

8. Thank you for being so sexy.

9. Thank you for sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the door.

10. Thank you for some sweet rims.

11. Thank you for liking my cooking, it makes life easier.

12. Thank you for always supporting me in my callings.

13. Thank you for sharing your talents with our children.

14. Thank you for loving that I served a mission.

15. Thank you for being such a handy man.

16. Thank you for being so clever (most of the time, sometimes you are too clever for your own good).

17. Thank you for always being willing to help our friends and neighbors.

18. Thank you for being nice to my mom.

19. Thank you for all the cat litter you've cleaned.

20. Thank you for the Randy Travis song you sang to me at our Wedding, my aunts still speak of it.

21. Thank you for avocado shakes.

22. Thank you for letting me often win.

23. Thank you for always being willing to serve.

24. Thank you for standing by me when I'm crazy.

25. Thank you for always telling me I'm the prettiest and the sexiest.

26. Thank you for loving sushi.

27. Thank you for being tender hearted.

28. Thank you for day dreaming with me.

29. Thank you for not being too much of a sports fanatic.

30. Thank you for being kind to animals.

31. When I taught you how to snow board, thank you for not rubbing it in my face that you were better then me after 4 attempts.

32. Thank you for allowing me to complain throughout my pregnancies.

33. Thank you for humoring me when I talk about things that don't interest you.

34. Thank you for being patient when I didn't change my name for 3 years.

35. Thank you for being my best friend.

36. Thank you for songs, laughter, and joy.

37. Thank you for the most beautiful children.

38. Thank you for being an amazing father.

39. Thank you for loving me always.

I love you.


Kate Benson said...

And thank you for being my amazing/music loving/analytical/
down-to-earth/worlds best bro!

em kawasaki said...

You have a fantastic husband. How do I get Mark to compliment my caboose in jeans? Number 11 shouldn't count because who wouldn't like your cooking? (Besides Lulu I mean)

Mark and I think the world of Brad and hope it is a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Shayleen Lunt said...

What a great Nov. 30 post!
I think I even remember that wedding song. I had hopes of my future husband doing that same thing after being at your reception...HA!
Happy Birthday Brad.
ps Avocado shakes? Hmmm...

Nathan said...

Mmmm... why did Martha choose such an arbitrary, odd number as 39? I'm sure she could have thought of at least one more good thing about such a great guy as Brad to round it off to 40...right?

(j/k....HAPPY B-DAY BRAD!)

Trish said...

Martha, so sweet! You have a wonderful husband - making a dynamic duo! Thanks for sharing :)

the wrath of khandrea said...

you almost made me get teary. and when i read stuff like this, it makes me love my husband even more, because it reminds me of all his great qualities. congrats on having one of the great guys. they're hard to come by.

Tate Family said...

Geez...hard not to love Brad!!!
Um, not going to post on all those I missed while gone, but here's some things to remember:
1. Nora writes her name better than Quinn's writing his
2. I'm sure your hair looks as lovely as ever!!!

Wendy said...

Martha, this is a great list! I missed reading your blog this past week. I chuckled fondly about your new haircut. I felt sad that you were so stressed. I am going to look at your family pictures later. My time here is brief, as you know! Our pics still have to uploaded, but now that we're home, I should get pics up soon.

Take care!

Jake said...

My husband is also named Brad and is also 39...but only for a few more weeks. He is also handsome and handy. I think Brads are the best husbands in the world! Glad you found one.

Rochelleht said...

Yea for husbands!! #34 makes me like you even more. Of course, I have my dh's name, but I technically have never officially changed it, so my dh always has to file taxes under my maiden name. Yea for husbands!

That was cute! He sounds a lot like my dh.