Saturday, November 17, 2007


There were many battles to overcome from February to November in 2006.
There was the battle to keep my food down.
There was the battle to ween my currently breastfeeding baby.
There was the battle to overcome daily migraines.
Starting at nine weeks, the battle began with my veins and the pain of pooling blood.
Ted hose are a battle all their own, both ugliness (why do they only come in wretched dark suntan?) and their vice grip strength made me constantly reconsider their necessity.

Then came the needles, the tests, the fasting(no pregnant woman should have to go without sugar and carbs that long), the classes, and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Although my husband really believes the diagnosis to be insurance fraud (always the attorney), there was a blessing in drawing blood from my forearm 4 times a day, my blood sugar was very low, and I was able to correct my hypoglycemia with regular sugar indulgence.
There were the constant screenings with multiple doctors, parinatologists, and many, many midwives.
There was the ultrasound with the short femurs. Apparently, short femurs are a soft marker for down syndrome, so there was more testing.

As Abram's arrival drew closer, the testing, the threats (yes, there were threats), and the daily battles with the doctors grew more intense.
I knew that I would be overdue (I'm always overdue). I knew that my baby was not large, he in fact was my smallest (were there not daily ultrasounds to prove this?).
But I complied with the redundant testing, the NST's and the ultrasounds (thank you to all of you who watched my daughters during this time, it made this bearable).
Abram was due on November 10th. I gave up the battle on November 17th and surrendered to my midwife, Melissa, at the American Fork hospital. Abram took his time for a 3rd baby, and there were complications.
Through all this, my greatest battle was the feeling of inadequacy. I and my body were not ready for another baby. I didn't know if somewhere inside of me was a mother who could love and support 3 very young children.

But Abram was beautiful. His large eyes conjured up magical resources of love from my soul.
Not everyday of the past year has been magical. It is difficult. There are days that I wonder if I am the mom for these beautiful children.
But all in all, I am grateful. I am grateful to you Abram. Your smile, your eyes, your tiny hands (and femurs), are a gift. You are making me a mother. I have to dig deep, but there is the possibility of being a great mother. You forever remind me of the dependence that I need to place on the Lord. You constantly remind me that greatness is not in me, but through me.
I love you and I would battle again and again for you.

Happy Birthday!

The photos were all taken by the fabulous photographer, Kate Benson


Wendy said...

That is beautiful, Martha. I can only imagine. The pictures are remarkable. You are remarkable.

Happy Birthday to Abram, and to LuLu, too, who I sadly neglected for some unknown reason.

Thank you for writing that.

I have a friend who has to do ted hose. They are horrid in every way.

just jen said...

not only are you a good mother, you are magnificent. i know this because of the way you write about your children and your willingness to share that although it is not perfect, someday it will be close to perfect. great post!

shauna said...

That was simply beautiful. A great record of a mother's sacrifice and love. You are an inspiration.

Trish said...

A gentle reminder of how beautiful it is to be a mother...thank-you.

A and R said...

Amazing Martha! Your boy is beautiful.
Amber K.

Celia Fae said...

You fought the good fight for little Abram. Doesn't that make it a sweeter? The photos are wonderful, and I love that I could learn more about your journey.

Rochelleht said...

Oh, gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! Not just the pictures, but the beautiful sentiment. I love it. It's amazing what we are willing to go through for those little spirits, isn't it. Bravo to you!!

Sheri King said...

I still wish we lived by you and could have Austin and Abram as friends too. I wish I would have been there to help with Norah and Lulu too.

Lindz said...

Beautiful. I can relate to the difficulties in pregnancy. They thought I had gestational diabetes. The tests are brutal. I had to have nst, twice a week. Perinatology visits, the whole works. The miracle is when they come. Congratulations!!!

Tate Family said...

Beautifully written...Nice seeing you at church by the way...can't believe he's already one...WOW! That was fast!
Talk soon I hope!

Nathan said...

This is really beautifully and sincerely conveyed Martha. It does seem like the year has gone fast-but then again I feel like I've missed a lot out there in the past couple years...

Crystal said...

Has it really been a year??? Wow, Happy Birthday Abram....I love your posts, by your quest in motherhood it makes me want to strive to be a better mother also. I think your an inspiration to us all.....Love Crystal

D-dawg said...

Great photographer you have there. He is a sweet thing. Moms go through so much but it is so worth it! Happy Birthday to Abram!

King Family said...

make me cry. nate is not the only great writer in the family.

AMiller said...

Wonderful, Martha - thanks for sharing.