Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am often asked "How is Young Women going?". I find it difficult to limit my answer to a simple "great" or "good". Perhaps it is because numerous expletives and expressions of unbelief were exclaimed in my overdue-soon-to-be-mother-of-4-in-5-years presence. Or maybe it is simply because of my own initial confusion and state of overwhelmed ignorance. For whatever reason, I feel the need to express my thoughts and experience, if only for the sake of integrity.

My previous experience in the YW program had been very limited. When I say limited I mean, I attended YW 18-24 years ago. I came to be president with no service under a former president, no preconceived ideas-no ideas at all.

The first 2 months, I drew blanks every time I held a meeting and every time I tried to start a conversation with a young woman. In those first 2 months I held back my tears until I reached my car or my knees in prayer. I was exhausted and so inadequate. Many nights I held internal conversations with God about how I just wanted to relax with my newborn, rock her to sleep, watch a television show, or have a clear mind with no burdens. But I had accepted the calling, and accepting meant I had to trust. I had to trust because I felt the spirit testify to me when my Bishop was called(the week before I was called)that it was the Lord's will. And I had to trust that the Bishop was sincere in his calling of me. So I put one foot in front of the other and the Lord has provided.

28 years ago I took upon myself the name of Christ. Almost six years ago, I took on the name of mother. My prayers have consistently been filled with pleas of help me be-a better mother, a better wife, a better sister, a better friend, a better daughter-just help me be. I know answers don't usually work overnight; I rarely have new found patience the next morning, a droopless smile fixed permanently, and an unceasing gentleness constituting my demeanor. What I am really asking for are opportunities to develop and learn what it means to take on the name of Christ.

I can't speak for the YW and my service with them, I can only speak of the byproduct of my service. This is what I know, the Lord's grace is sufficient. As I've asked for my heart to be filled with love for these girls, I have felt His love flow through me, He is the source. And with this love comes help. His love multiplies and divides itself among the needs of my children.

It devours fear, pride, and pain.

It blankets my home with peace and a heightened desire for good.

Little did I know that when I was extended this calling, I was extended an answer to my prayers and a hand to follow Him.


Annemarie said...

This is a great post, Martha. Those girls are lucky to have you as their leader because you "get" it.

just jen said...

so true, everything you said.

Rochelleht said...

Love that. So true. It's so hard sometimes, and yet, didn't we covenant to do ALL to build the kingdom? I remember that when things get hard. But like I told you before, I never grew so much as when I was YW Pres. The lessons are invaluable.

Erica said...

I was wondering just the other day how you are doing it all--now I know. I remember when you got the calling, it was overwhelming even for ME to hear that you had this huge and important calling! But obviously you are capable. The girls are lucky to have you, I'm sure they are having great experiences.

MandJ Condie said...

Martha, can you write one of these about being the ward clerk he he? As I have tracked down old friends, it has been disheartening to find those that have fallen away from the church. It has been really great to see your testimony has only gotten stronger.

Anonymous said...

Ahm, I love you Martha. Send a bit of that good attitude this way!

Insightful Nana said...

Some of my most memorable church service and activity came during the time I was stretched with raising a young family.

Even the decision to attend RS (which was held on Tuesdays) was a challenging one. Because I struggled with my attitude, I remember telling the "devil" to remain outside the door of the church, as I entered with three small children, to attend R.S.

Now, many years later... I can vividly remember some of the lessons given, the service rendered to me, and the service I rendered during that period of time. They were the "good times."

Hang in their Martha... you're doing a great job. You're also an inspiration to more than your "Young Women" and "Young Family."

Love you!

Burnside Family said...

Wow! Martha I am in awe of your insight and testimony. I am glad I found your blog and took a moment to read that. It truly inspires

queenieweenie said...

what a beautiful post martha.

working in young women's makes you realize how very dear these spirits are to our Heavenly Father...and we are lucky enough to feel that love every time we are with them!

i'm sure you are doing a fabulous job...sometimes no preconceived notions are a blessing!

Wendy said...

This is beautiful, Martha. I wish I'd read it before last weekend. Thanks for writing this.