Monday, June 11, 2007

Sensing Summer

This morning I stood on the doorstep of a northward facing home. There was a comfortable coolness on that step, the flowers nestled against the foundation were bathed with dew and the fragrance of the shade produced a droopy relaxation in my shoulders and eyelids. I see, feel, hear, touch and taste summer.The long chartreuse grass behind my home rustles day and night creating a wave of pale gold against the blue river of irrigation water flowing north. The woolly thyme creeping up my walkway is soft to my fingertips and toes. It fills our front yard with a fruity sweet perfume. The clicking of ceiling fans keeps the rhythm of our days and evenings. Rain and over zealous plant waterers produce the cool scent of wet concrete. As our children shed their clothing at bath time the story of the day's adventures unfold on their tanned bodies.The aroma of cedar floats into my kitchen as the fence gets sprinkled. The blue fringed daisy, although lavender, has shown her pretty yellow face and spread her velvety soft petals at my door step.Talk of Lady Bugs, their appetites, spots, wings, whether they bite, becomes morning, noon and dinner conversation.Bare feet become the fashionable choice for the 4 and under crowd around here, the evidence is often left on our dark floors.The Black Knight Butterfly Bush sings her siren song to both the Monarch and the moth.
Our palette prefers the light and fresh over the heavy and hearty. The days are longer and the nights are shorter and I am grateful for them being filled with the sweet smell, touch, sound, sight and taste of love.


C. Jane Kendrick said...

Your writing and pictures made me want to jump in your world. Bathing suit and all.

This was a delightful read.

(And as a side note, it is better I stay where I am, otherwise I would eat the whole bowl of salad pictured.)

Nathan said...

Martha!!! You are writing up a STORM! This is really beautiful.....and I love the pictures-my favorite image was of the smell of cedar sneaking into your kitchen when the sprinklers hit the fence. The writing is great-like Counrtney-I find it entiicng. it creates your summery life with the kids in your home in vivid swaths of image and emotion. When did you become such a great writer? love you!

Herrick said...

You are an amazing photographer as well as a writer!

I may steal some of your ideas to get a few more pictures of my wee ones where they aren't just cheesing at the camera. :-) Heather