Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thanksgiving Indeed

The phone rang rather early yesterday morning. My neighbor and friend wanted to know if we would join her at Thanksgiving point's Discovery Garden. We used to be frequent visitors to the gardens when we were new to Traverse Mountain.
Recently, however, I have hesitated to take my children to frolic in the shallow waters of Noah's Ark. For one, it is much more crowded then it was 3 years ago. 2nd, I have more children then I used to and sometimes find it difficult to keep them all in sight.Last, with every visit to the water of the Ark came grave consequences. My children, like most unknowing young tots, drink the water. Soon after swallowing Noah's water, everything they ingested would pass through them at the speed of light.Yesterday morning I decided to end my boycott of the Discovery Gardens and join my friends. My children were in need of some fun and I was in serious need of adult female conversation, especially if it involved Brooke and Belinda. So on went the swimsuits and off we went. The sun was hot, the water cool and the conversation delightful. Even Abram patiently endured the sun and light housewife chatter.So thank you Thanksgiving Point for the opportunity to be grateful.

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