Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Hot Day and a Childhood Fantasy Realized

I'd always heard stories of men having conversations with women's breasts. I never could empathize until I went to Albertson's soon after I started breastfeeding my first child.
I knew that my breasts had grown 2 sizes but I didn't think much of it until it appeared that those 2 sizes were the difference between anonymity and being the feature attraction in the produce, meat and baby isles.
I went home feeling ashamed and dirty. With each child breastfed I've struggled between feeling pretty and too sexy. Today's fashion seems to accentuate the bust area but
wearing an extra large moo moo will not disguise the fact that your bosoms protrude a good 6 inches past your ribs. I have a brother in-law who says he prefers the fashions of the eighties(when he was in school) b/c the boys never knew the size of their co-eds breasts b/c they wore loose tops. I say BS, I was in junior high and high school during the 80's and early 90's and the 'young men' with whom I was educated knew, discussed and teased every girl and her cup size despite the Coca-Cola rugbies and Flash dance sweat shirts, (these more accurately would have been popular in the early 80's but I grew up in the time warp known as Crosby, Minnesota, they probably still peg their pants there).
So Anyway, yesterday Norah talked me into running through the sprinklers with her while Lulu and Abram were napping. I even put on a swimsuit and felt like a busty fool until I saw this picture. One of my childhood idols was Wonder Woman. She was beautiful. I dreamed of one day being her. She had the ultimate feminine figure, she kicked butt and she was a raven haired goddess. Until yesterday I never thought I resembled her in anyway.

Now thanks to my milk-filled breasts and raven hair I'm a sexy super hero, at least in my back yard.
I've gotta get some gold cuffs.


Kate Benson said...

Too funny... Just punch out the bottom of some paper cups and spray pain them gold. I want to see pics!

Nathan said...

Finally it worked!!!! LOL! Now, about the gold cuffs, if you remember-back in Crosby-I was actually quite resourceful with making "costumes" out of "anything" or "any old " item of clothing I found around the house...maybe we could find something together...Hehehehe