Friday, January 16, 2009

The Blessings of Creation

I'm a little better rested then I was last time we met. Rosemary is now sleeping most of the night only waking twice(at least that is what my husband says, I am sleeping down the hallway in Norah's room and am summoned when the baby needs to eat).

The neck is another story. I have now had this throbbing in my neck and forehead for 12 days. I've decided that I am going through menopause or something as equally devastating(hormonally speaking). In lay man's terms, my body is whack. I suppose I should go see my OB, especially since I never went in for a six week appointment.

The good news is, I have had the pleasure of being distracted by many a project this week. Of course, there is YW. I dreaded it's arrival on Tuesday only to find that the headache disappeared while we(again)made chocolate. Seriously, I'm so sorry Rosemary, I only had 3 bites.

She soon forgives me though.

Abram, on the other hand, is always a heart breaking project. He loves me, he loves me not.

The above is right before he hit me for daring to capture his tantrum.

On a sunnier note, I've been organizing and claiming the office as mine.

It is a warm, sunny spot that I can breath in and be my own.

I get to be the Martha that creates(a little)everyday, and it feels good.

Here are a few things I've been working on:

I am working on matching quilts for Norah and Lulu as we prepare to move them in together(oh brother). This is my first pieced quilt and it is not perfect, but I've really enjoyed it, although through this quilt it has come to my attention that I do not know how to count or how to measure.

I've had pictures and clippings stashed and set aside now for a years, waiting to grace a board. Now, since I have claimed this room as mine, I decided to go ahead and make one.

I bought extra fabric to make pillows for this window seat at the front of the office.

I've been decorating my home a tiny little piece at a time. Do you mind if I document each tiny piece?

One other thing I would like to document is my awesomeness at placing 2 children in time out at the same time.Holy mothering skills, I usually(very unsuccessfully)am only able to make one sit and not very quietly at that.

And I did all of this with a sore neck!
Blogging is the only way to (re)write history, no?


Rochelleht said...

Oh, I just love your house. I'm sorry your neck is still hurting. That totally stinks, but I'm glad you're getting some more sleep.

And the tantrums? Oh, how I know those.

Trish said...

love the time out chairs :) And I love that you have a place of your own to breath. We need that as women and especially as mothers.

the wrath of khandrea said...

skip and i are wondering if you'd like to marry us.

B said...

I love your blog! The ability to create is a huge blessing isn't it? I found you through Letters to a Parent where you commented on my contribution (re: death of a child). Thanks for your comment on it!

queenieweenie said...

I'm seriously jealous of your "office"...hubby has one-I have a corner of the kitchen. Convenient yes, relaxing no.

Hazen5 said...

Oh your poor neck! Please keep posting on your decorating, I love seeing your ideas.

Anonymous said...

Just reading your post title told me I was in for a treat! I love your light airy house and your beautiful happy projects. Be sure to share the finished quilt!

Thank you, thank you Martha for your sweet comment. My hubby was just reading the blog and said "Come here! You have to read this!" You are too kind but I drank up every word. And your kindness is all the more meaningful because I have admired you for many, many months now. Bless you. xoxo, m

Jake said...

Wow. How do you do all that you do? I am seriously impressed. Those quilts just put you in the upper echelon of amazingness.

Thanks for the Asperger info...I am looking it up!

Brooke said...

your house just seems tranquil. it's those colors or something.

but i'm sorry about the pain in the neck...