Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to Good

On August 3rd, 2008, when I was called into the bishop's office and asked to be the YW president, I was 2 days overdue with Rosemary. That day was also fast Sunday and my birthday(I know I've been over all of this before but I like to repeat myself). I obviously accepted and on the short drive home my husband gave me the look(the look that says, "what the freak did you do that for?"). All I could think was, "I don't know, but I'm trying to trust that there is a reason".

My faithful husband then decided that his fast(for the remander of that day) would be to be blessed with a good baby. You see, we are blessed with the most beautiful children in the world(this is not up for debate), but our first 3 children were very trying infants. Even though the pages of many sleep and baby books have been worn, weathered, and studied, our children were sleepless terrors. In fact, Abram, at 2 years of age now, just barely started sleeping through the night.

But his eyes are just too intoxicating to begrudge the injustice that he has laid upon his mother.

Back to my story, the days came and went, shortly(or not so shortly, by pregnant woman definition), I gave birth to Rosemary. And she was good. So good. There is a God!

She rarely cried, she slept like a dream(only waking a few times a night); she was basicly perfection in pink.

In the last month, on most nights, she woke only once. Sometimes I like to read into things that don't need being read into and pretend that just maybe God was smiling upon me because I really deserved this angelic being.

But tragedy struck. Last Saturday, she developed a fever. She was up multiple times that night, the next and the next. As her fever subsided, a throbbing in my neck intensified. When her illness passed, my neck pain was at a fever pitch. And even though the virus has run it's course, she continues to wake, 6-7-8 times a night. I don't think I need to tell you what this has done to my neck and to my sanity.

On Friday, when I was about to throw myself off of a cliff, I pleaded with the doctor to fix it, fix it all(is that to much to ask?). She shot a steroid into my neck(not as horrible as it sounds), and promised that the pain would subside.

It is now Monday, and still there is pain(cursed steroid), and no sleep.

My feeling is that the pain in my neck will not go away until I get some sleep.
So my question is, what do I do? I have a lot on my plate, and I had it good for a while,but now it's gone. How do I get it back? Is it typical for a baby to fall out of sorts after a sickness? Should I sleep in the basement and let Rosemary duke it out with my husband(remember I breastfeed, and the basement is cold)?

I'm tired.


Wendy said...

I'm so sorry things have been so yucky this past week! Yes, it's completely normal for a baby's schedule to get so out of whack. I don't know what the solution is. I generally err on the side of a gradual sleep training back to normal, but I don't know if that's the best answer.

Re: your neck, these may not be relevant ideas, but have you had a good neck massage? Most of my stress-induced neck pains are related to clenching my teeth, so I have a night-guard kind of thing, and massage helps a LOT.

Oh good luck!

And I anticipate any emails are delayed until you've gotten some sleep--no worries!

the wrath of khandrea said...

i just can't get over how big little miss rosebud is getting. sorry. lame nickname.

i had the steroid shot for the back pain; totally useless. it's called "lazy doctoring". what you need to do is get an MRI to figure out what's causing the pain in the first place. hate to break it to you, but it's probably not lack of sleep. lack of sleep is probably contributing to an existing problem by increasing your fatigue and stress.

boy am i full of good news or what!

Rochelleht said...

Yes, it is totally normal for that to happen.

Pump, use formula and make the hubs lose some sleep.

em kawasaki said...

I wish I had some wonderful advice to give... I can't think of anything. I'm so sorry about the sleepless nights. Calvin was a terrible sleeper and I have never felt so close to insanity than I did then.

Mark has had a terrible pain in his neck that has varied in intensity for a couple of months now, so if you figure out what to do let us know. We are still experimenting.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. And I will pray for you. My children were also sleepless terrors so I understand your pain. Every time I got them on a nice schedule they'd get sick and we'd start all over again.

I'm so glad you recorded this-- it's good to see the sweet AND sour of our lives.

xoxo, m

just jen said...

i am a big advocate of letting them cry it out.

yes, it is hard (very, VERY hard).

but it works, and both of my boys sleep through the night even when sick, and prefer their own beds at all times, even when i beg them to sleep with me.

but, i think rosemary is a little too young. i wouldn't let her cry it out until she is closer to 10 months.

i'm with rochelle on this one.

diane said...

It's a good thing she is beautiful.

Hazen5 said...

Oh you poor girl! Don't worry, it is a phase she will get back to normal. Try sleeping with a heating pad on your neck to relax it. I hope you all feel better soon!

The Dobrons said...

I agree--pump and let hubby take a few night need sleep. Also...sounds like you need some quit minutes every day to breathe! I mean that literally. There is something crazy amazing about telling your body where to send the oxygen and letting it work on our stressed areas. Progressive muscle relaxation also helped me to notice when I was tensing my shoulders--causeing neck pain. Tighten and remember what it feels like. Then's crazy how much we tense up during the day without knowing it...mostly shrugging the shoulders slightly in stressful times.Hope it helps!

Annemarie said...

Breastfeeding, or know how long she can go at night w/out eating. Stick to your guns. She got thrown off, but she will be consistent if you will.
I'm so sorry about your neck. That doesn't help ANYTHING. You need your sleep...and so does she!!
Hang in there!

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

Oh Martha you poor thing. I so have simpathy for you because my children have not been good, neither one of them. Jocelyn still wakes 5-6 times a night and both my husband and I are drained, but I do think it is worth it for you to pass some duties to the hubby. My pediatrician said at 4 months a child can go 8 hours during the night without a feeding so I am sure Rosemary can go at least some length close to that. I know it's hard to ask for help but sometimes you simply have to and I think now is the time.

AMiller said...

Oh, I am so sorry. Nothing in life works well until you can get sleep. I would say that you try to let her cry until her normal time to wake. If you start it soon, hopefully she will remember how she used to sleep.

As far as the neck goes, I am sure lack of sleep is just exacerbating an existing problem. Maybe a chiropractor is the answer. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I love you Martha. And I feel like you know my heart far beyond the superficial.

queenieweenie said...

It's a good thing she's so stinkin' cute!

Have you ruled out anything else wrong with her? A sinus infection or earache could make her uncomfortable when she's lying down.

Mrs. Misses said...

I say that as long as she has had enough food during the day and you know she's not sick or with ear infections, crying it out is totally fine during the night. Have B check on her every ten minutes. Yes, that's right, ten. And not pick her up or talk to her, just check that she is surviving. She has to get back into the habit of soothing herself back to sleep. And get her four or five binkies in her crib.

And then, get two of us to take two of your kids each and you take as long of a nap as you need. Any W or Sat I am available.

You are an amazing woman!