Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Truth (at least some of it)

I've been thinking about comments I receive,the people I chat with once in a while and the perspective of those who read my blog who may not know me very well (although when we speak of knowing someone, there is a whole spectrum of knowledge isn't there?).

A blog, from what I can see and know, is a polished fragment of reality. Most of the truth I choose to keep private because it isn't up for public display, discussion, or debate. And sadly, there are people in my life (possibly most people's lives) who think that they are entitled to weigh in on my children and my choices.

Having said that, I feel that sometimes, not sharing the truth about certain things can be a disservice to others. I certainly don't want to mislead anyone by presenting a life of only beauty and loveliness.

I am often sad and have many setbacks. Lulu has made a lot of progress, but still struggles with a number of things. Just when I thought we had a few of them down she started to regress back into horrible social melt downs. They are often embarrassing and exhausting. She is inconsolable, and I am clueless. She is beautiful, and she is tender. I love her, but I am less than adequate for her in these situations.

I don't really feel like sharing that much about Norah, but I will say, it is a difficult situation. Norah is a sweet and sensitive little girl,we are trying to find the best way to help her focus and achieve her potential. I struggle every single day to keep myself calm and patient while trying to help her perform tasks.

Abram is occasionally sweet tempered, it's true. But he really is a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. He throws screaming and kicking temper tantrums 5-8 times a day. I pray every night and every morning and often in between that I will know how to keep him calm and how to love him more. And, he's not interested in the potty, bummer.

Rosemary is perfect. Seriously.

So, to summarize, sometimes I am a good mother. Often, I am not. Although, I don't run around with friends, go out to lunch, watch TV,shop, or sit at the computer (very often), I fall short all. the. time. I don't know what the answers are. I am often lonely in my problems, oh yeah, there are also my problems besides those of my children (which essentially are my problems as well) and I almost always feel inadequate for this job.

I have a lot to be grateful for. I love my children, they are the reason I wake up every morning and the reason I fall in bed exhausted every single night. But I want you to know that these pretty pictures aren't the whole story, they tell only a small piece.

So here is to anyone else who struggles and cries. I invite you to stop by sometime for a drink and a hug.


Rochelleht said...

Oh Martha! As evidenced by my recent post on essentially the same thing, I SO get it. I remember those days of constant tantrums. We don't have them as often anymore, but I did have those early years that looked so bleak. Ethan screamed (& banged his head) himself to sleep for hours every night for 7 years until we got him on some medication. It was for seizures, but just happened to put him to sleep.

What I'm saying is that you will make it through. There IS light at the end of the tunnel. And you will get over the mother guilt. I used to be plagued by it. You are awesome and your priorities are NOT in the wrong place, so it will work out. It will.

If you were complaining about your hard life, how you yell at your kids all the time, coupled with a log of your favorite tv shows and how much time you spend on blogs, with friends, etc., it would be a different story. I know people who live their lives like this and until our priorities are straight, life will ALWAYS be tough. I know that sounds judgmental, but hopefully, you know what I mean.

So, essentially what I'm saying is that you ARE a good mother because you are invested in your children's happiness, growth and well being. You are not perfect, because that would be impossible. But you are trying and that is all the Lord asks of us. I love you!

Thanks for the reality check. ;-)

Rochelleht said...


That was long.

Li Mama said...

I love your candor Martha! I have yet to hear a mom say it's easy-and I have less experience than you, so I won't even go there! But know that the blog is ultimately for you-and the more honest, the better you get to know yourself. xoxo

Li Mama said...

Oh, and you know I am your #1 fan!! ;)

the wrath of khandrea said...

risking electrocution at this very moment by crying on my keyboard.

also the parent of a difficult child, i hear what you're saying.

i would love to take you up on your offer, but you live in yootaw. eek.

the wrath of khandrea said...

i think i'll subscribe to the comments on this one, in case someone has earth-shattering words of wisdome that could heal my heart.

diane said...

Motherhood is the hardest job ever. Thanks for sharing the good, the bad and the ugly.

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

Beautiful Martha. I love it. I remember I used to look at your blog and think. "She's perfect." I will never be a person like that:( Then you wrote about Lulu and I like her has challenges like that! Your still perfect, you really are, but real too. I think we are all here to gain strength from one anther and your honesty is giving others so much strength.

Bee said...

*hug* oh my goodness! thank you for sharing. u've helped me realize, although i dont have children, that others feel exhausted,unworthy at times, and knowing that when u get older u really dont have all the answers is a comfort for me. i feel a little less lost today. thank you for sharing your family and thoughts with me. <3

Burnside Family said...

Martha, I get on and read your blog every so often and I am amazed by you. I love to read your words and thoughts. I wish I would have gotten to know you better when we lived in the ward. You have inspired me with your words and made me want to be a better mom and better person so thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings
Julie Burnside

Kelie said...

I Love how you can just put it all out there! I had a meltdown just two nights ago, also feeling inadequate as a mother. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words well said. i understand completely. (i still think you're perfect, amazing, and a wonderful mother)

AMiller said...

What are we drinking? I am coming over.

Maree said...

Yes, I agree with the others. I'm grateful to read that you're a human. I was beginning to think you were one step away from translation. Life is hard. Parenting is hard. We have good days and bad days and REALLY bad days. Kids aren't perfect either, no matter how hard we try. But the fact that we DO try is what our Heavenly Father expects. I still want to be like you when I grow up.

Wendy said...

Martha, I always think you keep a nice balance of the positive and the hard stuff here. I appreciated your more open post, and I also appreciate your discretion. It's a hard call, when to lay it all out there, when to be more subtle . . . and really, I think you do it beautifully.

Brooke said...

martha, i love you!

Anonymous said...

Martha-- I love you! And I promise it will get better. I promise! xoxo, m