Monday, October 26, 2009

A little weekend to remember

I barely remember what Norah was like as a baby. I sort of remember what our life felt like. I would pay a handsome sum to be able to slip into the shoes I once wore and feel my new mom thoughts and Norah's tiny hand.

My regrets: I recorded very little. There are very few photos, and far too few written feelings, which makes the revisiting difficult.

So to get back to the roots of my blog, I am going to try to record the glimpses, the mundane, and the tiny hands-just for me. I need it to remember and appreciate. If you would like to visit, be my guest.

Rosemary is the sweetest thing I've ever known. She is done with her spider crawl-she rarely let her knees touch the ground...and it's gone. She loved to place mom or dad's shoes on her hands and "walk" around, that is fading as well. But she walks like a tiny robot, stiff, jerky, and muttering a foreign tongue.

I can't get enough of her, and she loves having her photo taken.

Norah and Lulu are a crazy handful. Sometimes, I wonder about the penance I must be doing, but they are so beautiful and thoughtful that I am grateful for the time I have with them, even if it is nuts.

I went to my first movie to be seen in a theater in 7 years! While driving to the theater Norah kept asking me if I had ever seen a movie theater before. She informed me that it was dark, had a big screen, and that I shouldn't be scared.

I enjoyed the movie, but I still prefer my "away from the kids time" to involve conversation and good food.

Preparing for church was the same: Abram expecting to leave the house in his bike helmet, hair pulling, threats, yelling and pretty girls. But church was different, only one young woman attended. Starting from scratch to restructure a program that draws a little crowd is daunting. But magic seems to happen when it is truly the Lord's work.

So here it is again, Monday morning and I am back on the crazy train.


Wendy said...

I like your decision about your blog, Martha. I'm so glad I got to meet the younger of your loves!

Cute about the movie theatre!

AMiller said...

I love when my kids try to help me understand things they have learned. Precious.

Every once in a while I get depressed because I see my beautiful two-year-old and I can't remember what her sister was like at this age. I can kind of remember, in little snippets and bits, but I can't really remember how looking at her felt. It makes me sad. I wonder how it is possible to forget the things that make my life what it is.

I hope to take more pictures and video and write more, but I still know it won't replace real memories.

diane said...

I love the picture of you doing your daughter's hair. That is the stuff worth remembering.

My YW daughter just gave her last talk on Sunday. I don't know how I will make it through this year of lasts.