Thursday, October 29, 2009

This last (cold) week of October

We've been preparing for Halloween,

I finished the last costume accessories this afternoon. My sewing machine needs a break.

We've been making roasted soups, vegetables, and scavangering for anything that isn't yet dead in the garden.

The young women who are no longer my young women, heart attacked me last night as I sat sewing. I pretended that I didn't know, and continued to sew. I walked out onto my porch and cried over all the notes and laughed at the pumpkin, which is obviously a rendering of me.

Looks like it will be a wonderful Halloween.


Rochelleht said...

YEAH! What a great gift. When I was released from YW Pres, they did that to me, too. Still have all the notes. Although, I think it was around Thanksgiving, so I got 'turkeyed'. Just finished my costumes, today, too. My machine doesn't need a break as much as I did!

Wendy said...

That is awesome. What great girls!

Happy Halloween!!

Li Mama said...

You are such a super mom. You are my hero!! I love your blog. I wish we lived closer, too. I know you and I have changed in some ways, but I sense the core of who we are has not deviated much from when we met oh so long ago!!
I hope you have a great Halloween!! Looks like it will be great in Casa Griffiths. :)