Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Graduate

We use the word graduate very loosely here. Norah 'graduated' from her 1st year of pre-school to whatever comes next for a 4-year-old. The 'commencement excercises' were held at a conference room at Cabelas, so hopefully all of the youngsters will learn to appreciate the necessity of hunting and killing wildlife in order to maintain harmony and balance in our eco-system. After marching up flights of stairs past a wide array of taxidermy (which Martha likes to call 'corpses'), Norah joined the other 4 and 5 year olds with bright hopeful futures. We clapped, we laughed, we cried, we ate cookies. (Mostly, it was Norah who cried about having to wait until the end to get a cookie.) Good job and good luck Norah!

The graduates


Lulu and momma

Norah and Miss Mikki

Nana and the girls


Cottonia said...

Sorry Grandpa missed the graduation. I love you, Martha...(and Norah too).

Kate Benson said...

Whoo hoo guys I'm lovin' your blog... it's about time!

Nathan said...

hey--the graduation blog is FUNNY--I can't wait to see your Jardin Anglais (english garden, if you don't speak french-jk) when I get there Sunday. woo who! I love this blog, its AWESOME! You should also read more on Segullah and seriously think of you.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Corpses at graduation? Now that is a good time.

Erica said...

You are so funny, Martha! You're able to capture so much in your stories. Cute pictures. Hey, is Andy getting married soon???

becky said...

how cute are you! i love that it was at cabela's!