Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lazy Summer

...the blog that is, not so much me. I always have the thought and intention to post at least a photo from most of our days, and then...well, there are just more interesting things to do than blog.

We really have been enjoying a beautiful, relatively happy summer. Oh sure, Abram is potty training and often misses the toilet (both #1 and #2.) And Rosemary seems to have a sixth sense for ink, and uses it to decorate everything she sees fit, including her face, over and over and over again. And, it has now been steadily in the 90's for a while and when it hits 90 I cannot be responsible for my disposition or my behavior, but the mornings are fine and my yard is in full bloom. As my husband said, it looks like fireworks exploded in front of our house.

It is not an easy task to garden at Traverse Mountain, we live on the side of a windy mountain (don't get me started.) I put in a fair amount of hard work last year and this spring and it feels wonderful to be able to enjoy some of the fruits of that labor.

Don't ask me about the back yard. All in good time, all in good time.

Some interesting developments so far this summer:

Norah and Lulu have sort of developed somewhat of a friendship. Yay.

I color coded my books and my shelves finally look cohesive. Yay.

There aren't nearly as many golf carts driving around the Thanksgiving Point gardens this summer as there were this spring, which means I don't have to get all confrontational like I thought I was going to have to be. Yay.

I'm growing my hideous bangs out. Not so much of a Yay.

I know my dad likes to be kept apprised of what is going on with my hair.


AMiller said...

I love the garden. I miss your garden being closer to my house so I could see it more often. I have great intentions every year, but every year I fail in the department of flowers. Yours are beautiful - of course. Miss you - thanks for the update.

Kim Allgood said...

I drive by your house all the time just so I can look at your garden. It is beautiful- great job!

Wendy said...

Your landscaping is beautiful! I can only imagine how much effort its taken. I'm glad life is more interesting than blogging :) and I hope things are going great!

Trish said...

I need to come to a drive by to see those gorgeous flowers! It was great to see you last night :)

Rochelleht said...

GORGEOUS!!! Everything looks great, including the picture of the girls in separate chairs. So cute.

thesuperfantasticbeeders said...

Oh Martha how I love and miss you, and like your dad I also want to know what you're doing to your hair!

em kawasaki said...

When we pulled up to your house Mila said "Wow! Look at all the pretty flowers. I wish we had all these pretty flowers at our house". So do I, but Mark is the gardener and not as prone to flowers as I am.

As you witnessed the other night, Mila also misses the toilet.

I am also growing out my bangs. Seem like we live parallel lives with the exception that your is a little more beautiful than mine (what with your color coded books and plentiful flowers).

Thanks again for dinner. It was so good seeing you. I really am planning on a fall get together.

Cameron, Jenny and Family said...

Your yard is absolutely beautiful!! I've run past it a few times on my "hill" runs and wow, I'm in awe by all the amazing colors. You did an awesome job designing that. Teach me please! :)