Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week Two

Abram is a glass half-empty kind of guy right now (please let it only be temporary). I reason that it must be difficult being jammed quite closely between three girls, two being incredibly over-the-top dominant and one being a needy baby. Any task that needs doing on his part is just too difficult because of "the beetle biting his leg" or the "roley poley" caught in his ear, or how going potty makes his eye hurt, and how putting his shoes on makes his tummy hurt. Unfortunately, his mother nagging him about completely these tasks makes him hit, kick and push his younger sister, which in turn makes her cling to me.

It's kind of like I have a goiter slung around my neck, except this goiter laments in operatic baby babble, the terrors of being Abram's younger sister.

I don't lament my goiter too much.

So, I ran 10 miles Saturday, did a tempo run Monday, and ran 3 miles this morning. And I felt pretty miserable during all of them. I'm not sure what is up. Maybe it was the race combined with not running for a week because of the surgery and maybe I am running different because I am favoring the leg. I can't figure it out, but I'll give it some time.

I had an allergic reaction to the bandages that I've been covering my stitches with, and now my leg is swollen with bleeding hives and it is nasty, and I can't wear bandages. I'll spare you the photo.

What I've eaten:

Thursday I made Bobby Flay's Chinese chicken salad and it was pretty good. I've probably made a dozen different Chinese chicken salad recipes and I still think I like Tyler Florence's the best.

I made chicken Kiev Friday. It's an America's test kitchen recipe, so no link, but it's filled with butter so you may not want it.

I was snapping a photo of my bowl full of butter and herbs and this just happened to be taking place in the background. Sweet Lu.

One of Brad's clients owns an extra large smoker and enters his smoked meats in contests around the states. He often emails Brad and asks if he would like something smoked for him. Last week he said he had room for a smoked pork butt. We bit and now I'm making all kind of really healthy pork meals. Right now I'm reading Born to Run and the author covers the diets of some of the best runners in the world. Christopher Mcdougall seems to have left out the part about how pork butt makes you run really fast...


Wendy said...

You make me smile.

I love your little goiter.

And your glass-half-empty boy.

Pork butt . . . my niece went shopping with me recently and when she saw pork butt for sale, she laughed a lot. Very cute. And it makes you run fast, too . . . how about that? :)

the wrath of khandrea said...

we had extremely difficult early childhood years in our home as well. honestly, all it takes is a teeny bit of age, and things seem so much more manageable. with my youngest being six now, i actually enjoy my kids more often than not.

so hang in there.

Anonymous said...

oh your sweet Lu! That was my favorite photo in the bunch. Hang in there love!

Jake said...

Oh my goodness, Martha! I cannot believe all the running and cooking you do. Plus you always look gorgeous in these photos. What's your secret?!! Pork butt?

Off to buy some now!

Rochelleht said...

I'm sorry your running is hurting. I'm seriously impressed that you are doing it. I tried the treadmill once this week and I'm sick as a dog again.

I'm SOOOO tired of it!!!

AMiller said...

You are strong.

I love how you don't let the fact that things get hard keep you from accomplishing things. I think I might use all the excuses and children and skin cancer (hello!) keep me from training for a marathon.

Oh, keep posting the food and recipes. I need some serious inspiration.

thesuperfantasticbeeders said...

Oh Martha, how I love you!