Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Prayer

On this day set aside to celebrate my love, I fall short.
For true love is not solely for my love,

or for my other loves,

but for all mankind.

So I pray for His perfect love

to someday complete my inadequate heart.
Please replace my pride with humble grace.
Please fill my soul with unconditional warmth and acceptance.
Please bless me with the desire and ability to embrace all without judgment or reservation.

For I have been given more than enough to share, and really, it is all about love.


AMiller said...

So beautiful. I love your posts; they always make me think/laugh/feel. Maybe we all be granted perfect love.

Wendy said...

Beautiful, Martha. Seriously, I checked your blog a few times earlier today, wondering what treasure of Valentine's Day sentiment I would find. I could not have predicted half so lovely. I hope your day was filled with love.

just jen said...

when you have kids valentines day is so different, so much more meaningful. i never thought about spreading that love, though...good work!

the wrath of khandrea said...

will you be my miyagi-san? you are so grounded and insightful. sometimes i need a break from my own type A.

Am'n2Deep said...

It is all about love--I couldn't agree more. And what a beautiful prayer and tribute to love this is. My heart longs for the same. Thank you.

Annemarie said...

That was beautiful and a great reminder.

Rochelleht said...

All you need is love. Or so they say! :-)

I think that was beautiful. What enormous blessings we all have, huh? With the state of the world, we are still living charmed lives.

Lindz said...

Love, Love, love. Beautiful. Thanks

Jake said...

Thank you. This was exquisite.

em kawasaki said...

Very nice Martha. I love the pictures, as usual and the words are make it perfect.

And yes, I have returned from the non-blogging world.

becky said...

thanks for the always know how to say just the perfect thing! hope you are feeling good!

Trish said...

That was beautiful and perfect. As for the movie, Spiderwick...I think it may be a little too intense for a 4 year old. My own opinion. I have been wrong before.

King Family said...

martha, you amaze me. you are such a beautiful writer and take such amazing pictures. it is so much fun because you remind me of a female nate.