Monday, June 20, 2011


You know those pictures of pantries that have beautiful glass containers lined perfectly on the shelves and everything seems to be color coordinated and they are almost too pretty to hide behind a door? Do those people have children? Or pets?

Well my pantry doesn't look like those pantries.

Norah needs to earn money for Activity Days camp and I need to deep clean my "zones". Today's zone was the kitchen, so Norah and I cleaned the pantry.

I usually know it's time to clean and organize the pantry when dog food sticks to the bottom of my feet as I am leaving the untidy food closet. The reason that dog food is usually carpeting my pantry floor is because the cat sneaks into the pantry and rips a hole in the bottom of the bag and soon dog food is dispersed to all four corners. I know you think perhaps there is a solution to the dog food and cat problem, but the cat is helpful in a few ways if not at keeping a clean pantry. And the dog, well, the vet told me that I could extend her life by 3-4 years by brushing her teeth so I sure as heck won't be brushing her teeth.

Anyway, I ordered some large buckets to keep the dog food and cat food out of paws way. I also am waiting on a few of those pretty french hermetic terrines to make me feel a little bit better about how I store my lentils, couscous, vital wheat, and flax seed. But this was the best I could do:

That little door is for gnomes.

And to the father of my children: Thank you for loving them as much as I do and teaching them the fun stuff.

Don't talk to me about Rosemary's pacifier. I pick my battles. That's not one. Did I mention that she screams when she comes near a toilet?

And to my own father: Thank you for the big eyes (I think they are my best feature) and an idyllic childhood. Go Michigan!


Rochelleht said...

Pantry? What's a pantry? I have a closet. That you couldn't even really call a closet. It's that small. Blah!

Wendy said...

Random thoughts:

I think my gnome would like a door like yours. :)

Do you do Flylady & her zones?

Not brushing dog's teeth . . . lol. Poor dog. I wouldn't do it, either.

I had to google search "french hermetic terrines" (what?) and was delighted to see that's what we already have . . . or some cheap version of the same idea. They are indeed handy and cute.

Pacifiers are a gift.

Good luck with toilets and screaming toddler.

I'm happy to see you here more often! Your pantry looks wonderful!

Kara said...

Good grief Martha, I would be more interested in organizing my pantry if it was as big as yours! And when is activity days camp? Shoot, that's one more thing I won't be telling Lia she's missing this summer. The pantry looks great. And as far as the pacifier goes, Megan's recurring ear infections even after her tubes are supposedly from her bottle. I don't believe that's entirely true, but it's also not something I can take away at this point in her life.

Luana said...

Martha I just found your blog and I know I am going to have such fun looking at it. I looked at your Ravencrest House Blog and LOVE your kitchen!