Thursday, September 24, 2009


Tuesday was a heavy day, a morning meeting regarding Norah left me feeling a bit broken and fearful.

Life is so often rerouted from the anticipated course, and we are left in a heap of humility with only the essentials intact. Isn't it just like God to reiterate once again that my own understanding is very, very limited? And that I desperately need Him?

I'm not sure what all the answers are for Norah, but I am sure that there is room for more love, sweeter words, a gentler touch, and more direction from her Father in heaven. He loves her and I know that he wants to help us succeed as her parents, whatever that may mean.

Feeling lonely and achy Tuesday night, I reluctantly joined the young women for our activity. I sat cross-legged in a darkened room and listened to President Monson's words. "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved" soothed my aches and satiated my need. The problems this situation presents matter little next to the need to love.

And again, His perfect love casteth out all fear, and maybe this, in part, will help Norah.


Shayleen Lunt said...

Martha - Thank you for sharing. I'm a little teary after reading your words and Pres. Monson's words. I needed that. Prayers your way.

Rochelleht said...

It sounds like the Lord sent you just what you needed. I am so sorry this is rough right now. I have been in those kind of meetings, leaving feeling that empty. I'm so glad you have the right perspective and a testimony to get you through. You are right, in the end, love is the only that can make it all work.

the wrath of khandrea said...

i am feeling this way with keola right now. it's hard to maintain the balance between love, logic, reason, spiritual insight, and patience. i'm juggling them all like a circus freak right now.

just jen said...

i needed to hear that too...

sometimes i expect too much out of connor, and when he doesn't do what i think he should be doing i get a little crazy. just because he has issues means i should be so hard on him all the time! thanks for the reminder, and i hope that there will be a light at the end of your tunnel.

good luck and take care!

Wendy said...

I'll keep you in my prayers, too. Hard stuff. Thank you for sharing some of your answer.

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

What a beautiful and oh so true quote by Pres. Monson. Good luck with evrything. I don't know you very well Martha, but I can just tell what an amazing and dedicated Mother you are and only you have exactly what your children need.Take it all in one moment at a time.

Anonymous said...

love you Martha.

Tiffany said...

Beautifully and faithfully said. Hang in there.

AMiller said...

"we are left in a heap of humility" - yeah. At least you are at a point of humility and not anger or some other normal response to many challenges.
Thanks again for helping me have the desire to be better.

Mrs. Misses said...

Please let me know how I can help you. I'm willing and ready.

Li Mama said...

Your sincerity reached out and shook me-thanx for posting. It's been so long since we really caught up, so I don't know what's going on, but I am always here for your support-love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. Lately I have also been wondering how on earth I'm supposed to properly deal with the constant challenges facing me. After trying to get my little guy with terrible sensory issues dental work done I get to spend an insane amount to have him IV sedated tomorrow. There seems to always be a new challenge and issue around every corner.

Know that I adore you and that you are a loving and wonderful mother. Hang in there. Huge hugs from Texas!