Thursday, May 28, 2009

Singing Heart

I thought I should probably check in.

Even though life is complicated and at times stormy, there are blessings that illuminate and are enjoyed.

Every Friday I take the children to the public library. The trip is greatly anticipated, yet you wouldn't think so by the fight that ensues at the front door when too many hands try to push the automated door opener. This squabble is quickly followed by the argument over who placed the most books in the return slot, which is followed by who gets to carry the book bag, not to be out done by the fight over the drinking fountain stool.

These details are not my point, my point is: Norah picked a book a few weeks ago titled My Mother has a Dancing Heart. Trying to implement more of a dancing heart into our daily routine, I kicked my daily impromptu musicales up by singing Pop Corn Popping on the Apricot Tree Axel Rose style. I was quickly interrupted by Abram's loud objection of "Momma, don't sing". Norah sweetly healed my wounded pride with a "My mother has a singing heart".

With all of my short comings, fumbles and foibles; I will seek a dancing and a singing heart (except of course, when I don't. You understand right?).

The above photo makes my heart dance. Lulu's pants are perpetually on the loose.

Abram split his lip open and required 8 stitches. What? You can't see them? That is probably because we will soon be receiving an extraordinarily high bill from a highly skilled plastic surgeon. Still; this ordeal made my heart perform an off-beat dance while I was at Youth Conference (on the phone with the hospital, my mother, and Brad) performing an amazing race.

We've been fixing up our house a little bit here, a little bit there. The children have tipped over more than one cart at DI, but the treasures are worth it.

Our yard is finally being done and landscaped (by done I mean it will be ready for me to plant and dig and vegetate with the heirloom tomatoes that have been patiently waiting in pots on the porch). In fact, as we I write, the bobcat is squealing along at top speed and my oak floor is blanketed in a layer of top soil and desert floor. But I am so excited to stick my hands in some compost and come away filthily cleansed.

We just returned from Zions where lizards large and small are breathing a sigh of relief.

We've chased butterflies, rain, and the bobcat (hours of entertainment) and have attended spring programs galore.

I'm wishing for a summer that never reaches 90 degrees, thunder storms at least 3 times a week, and one that remains calm; yet filled with dancing and singing.

I'll keep you updated on the dancing and singing. Let me remain in my fantasy about the weather.


AMiller said...

Good to hear you again.

I love the picture of Lulu. It reminds me of my sister - I think that her little crack shows in almost every home video. Precious.

Is it bad that I don't like all the singing/dancing programs that kids do in the spring? I go because I love my children, but I can't wait for them to be over.

Are you doing Challenger next year?

I have a billion and two questions for you - we really gotta get together.

Rochelleht said...

Yeah, you're back!! Beautiful pictures, as always.

Is it too big a sin to covet your kitchen the way I do? Someday, someday...

Does Lulu have Jenna Bush as a preschool teacher? I'm just sayin'... She could win a look a like contest.

Wendy said...

So many things to write, but time is limited, and my brain is tired. I have to remind myself, when I put sunscreen on my little boy, to get not only arms, face, and neck, but the little area above the back of his pants. So cute.

I noticed the b&w diamonds you'd toyed with putting on your floor (I'm sure there's a technical term I'm forgetting). I like them very much.

DeLynn said...

Yay! You're back...even if for a brief moment. Thanks for brightening my day with your beautiful words and thought-provoking photos!

the wrath of khandrea said...

your vintage tint on all the photos adds a nice touch to the overall mood.

thinking about you...

Annie said...

So good to read this! Welcome back. I love your singing heart. And you words sing, too.

And your pictures are so inspiring.

Annie said...

ugh. *your* words, I meant.

just jen said...

i like the weekly library trip thing, i think i should start doing that too.

Anonymous said...

this just made me happy. Love you! M

Anonymous said...

Lovely home! Beautiful family!

Erica said...

Love, love, love your blog and all your inspiration. I've been feeling a need to call you.....

thesuperfantasticbeeders said...

I love you Martha, you make my heart sing!!!!