Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No Baby Yet


This is not what I anticipate my unborn child to look like, no, this is what I am right now.
So I'm 11 days over today, and although I really, truly wanted to go on my own, I'm exhausted. Honestly, I think my pubic bone is about to snap. I hate being induced, but tomorrow I am throwing in the towel. Besides, it's time to move on for many reasons. Let me tell you a little story.
3 Sundays ago, 2 of the Traverse Mountain wards met together (the 4th and the 5th wards). A new ward, the 6th ward, was formed from the 2. The 6th ward is now my ward. The following Sunday, which coincidently just happened to be my birthday and the day I was 2 days overdue, I was called to be the Young Women's president. I was sustained and set apart this past Sunday. So I guess my point is, I have stuff to do.
I am just slightly intimidated (if you didn't catch it, that was an understatement). I am trying to have a great attitude though. I want to serve, and honestly I asked to serve (although this wasn't what I really had in mind). I know that the callings I've had where I've had a little more responsibility than I wanted and where I had to really extend myself are the ones that have taught me to love more, humble myself more, and understand this work a little bit better. I am grateful for the opportunities I've had (as inconvenient as they may be), and I hope I just don't completely blow it.
So this is my 'positive' testimony of inconvenient callings, I do love the Young Women's program and I really am excited for something new.
Wish me luck for tomorrow, I will need it.


Shayleen Lunt said...

Wow Martha! You are a trooper to go eleven days! (in the end, twelve though, right?)
Ha! You aren't that busy then, are you? Whoa~

the wrath of khandrea said...

hmm. wow. you are indeed a glutton for punishment. good luck with the delivery... can't wait to hear the news!!

Laurie said...

I pray you go tonight. I'm crossing my fingers too.

Kelie said...

I hope you go on your own today...tonight (sometime before tomorrow) Good luck with everything...can't wait to see your sweet baby!

The Dobrons said...

What were they thinking?!?! NOT to say you won't be an amazing YW pres---but seriously? sometimes I think people don't get the whole I'm pregnant, let alone overdue and going to have a new baby and no sleep. Ayayay...BUT alas....the Lord puts you where He wants you...those girls are so lucky to have you. Maybe this situation is to teach you delegation...because how else will you get through it!? Good luck1 tomorrow!

Rochelleht said...

Oh wow. What timing. :-) Well, I've been the YW Pres and I learned more during that time than ever. Really, it was a great learning experience. I love Young Women!

The Christensen Family said...

You never cease to amaze me. OF COURSE you are the new YW president! Someone caught wind of all you have to offer. I hope things go well with the baby... Love you M!

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

Oh ya, think of all the great babysitters you will have. :)

em kawasaki said...

I know you have had your beautiful little Rosemary by now but the picture still made me laugh. I am glad she finally came out and good luck with your calling. You will do great.

Leslee said...

I haven't checked your blog for a while, so here goes...
First, congrats (Because I'm sure you've had the baby by now)! I hope everything went well. And your home is gorgeous. It's very light and cheery and I love the colors you picked out. I can't believe in the midst of all of this stuff going on you had time to make Lulu a backpack!!! And BTW, it's adorable.

Nathan said...

So where is your next blog....you busy? What? Did you have a baby or something?

I LOVE and MISS you and am writing this from Heathrow airport waiting for my flight to Helsinki. Visit Cathy's blog and you can have a more entertaining read of what is before me right now...

I hope you and Rosemary Josephine (?) are doing well.

I also hope to start blogging about Scotland and England as soon as I get to Finland (lots of 'Lands in that sentence)

Miss you and congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Wow girl! You need my bishop where you get 3-6 months off when you have a baby.

I know the timing isn't ideal but there's no doubt the Lord needs you there now. You'll be completely amazing! {{hugs}}