Thursday, August 28, 2008

At Last

Finally, this is my sweet baby, Rosemary Josephine.
She is lovely and good, and I am grateful.
To view more pictures of the birth, visit Kate's site.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No Baby Yet


This is not what I anticipate my unborn child to look like, no, this is what I am right now.
So I'm 11 days over today, and although I really, truly wanted to go on my own, I'm exhausted. Honestly, I think my pubic bone is about to snap. I hate being induced, but tomorrow I am throwing in the towel. Besides, it's time to move on for many reasons. Let me tell you a little story.
3 Sundays ago, 2 of the Traverse Mountain wards met together (the 4th and the 5th wards). A new ward, the 6th ward, was formed from the 2. The 6th ward is now my ward. The following Sunday, which coincidently just happened to be my birthday and the day I was 2 days overdue, I was called to be the Young Women's president. I was sustained and set apart this past Sunday. So I guess my point is, I have stuff to do.
I am just slightly intimidated (if you didn't catch it, that was an understatement). I am trying to have a great attitude though. I want to serve, and honestly I asked to serve (although this wasn't what I really had in mind). I know that the callings I've had where I've had a little more responsibility than I wanted and where I had to really extend myself are the ones that have taught me to love more, humble myself more, and understand this work a little bit better. I am grateful for the opportunities I've had (as inconvenient as they may be), and I hope I just don't completely blow it.
So this is my 'positive' testimony of inconvenient callings, I do love the Young Women's program and I really am excited for something new.
Wish me luck for tomorrow, I will need it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Still Pregnant

The above picture was taken by my brilliant sister in-law, Kate Benson. If you want to see the rest of them, go here.

I have had the desire to be a better blogger, but it has just not been in the stars this summer. Maybe if I do some explaining you will forgive me and better understand.
This summer has been pretty intense, not necessarily bad, just intense.

First, we moved to our new home. A move, in and of itself, is a lot of work, but I have also been pregnant, which translates to "I move at a sloth-like pace". We also have our old house to upkeep which has a high maintenance yard and a vegetable garden. But the move has been good and in many ways has made my life more manageable, so, I am grateful.

Some of you know that for the last year, we have been in the process of trying to get help for our daughter Lulu. We've had many appointments and evaluations, some very helpful and others not so much. In June she was diagnosed with PDD-NOS, which is an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Since the diagnosis it's been a whirlwind of "what do we do now?". So there are more appointments and such. It's been very overwhelming, but I've really felt our Savior's love and know that this is what makes life sweet and rich. I remember sitting quietly breastfeeding her in a dark room when she was a baby and having a foreboding feeling about her future. At the time, I thought these impressions were just post pregnancy hormones, but now, as I look back, I realize that the Lord is aware and mindful of all our needs.
Thank you to everyone who has listened and been supportive.

When I was sixteen weeks pregnant, my AFP came back abnormal. I haven't been that worried, there were no markers for Downs Syndrome found on my level II ultrasound. But when I hit 34 weeks I was informed that an abnormal AFP also puts me at high risk for placenta failure, so I have had to go to St. Mark's for weekly testing on top of my weekly doctor's appointments. When I was first informed of this, I wanted to ask, "Do you know how much gas is?". Anyway, I am fine, the baby is fine. It is just a lot.

Speaking of pregnancy, I was due last Friday. Good times. I thought perhaps I was leaking amniotic fluid around 37 weeks, but soon realized, nope, I just peed my pants. Ah, the end of pregnancy, did I pee my pants or not pee my pants, that is the question.
Anyway, I will keep you updated.

Even though it has been busy (and is about to become even crazier busy, and I'm not talking about the baby, more on that next week), I have completed a few projects.

The girls started a summer preschool in June. If you are a faithful reader, you will maybe remember that I made Norah a backpack for preschool. I have promised myself that I would not be one of those moms that start off at full force but then peter out by the 3rd child (I really am one of those moms, but let me pretend I'm not). Anyway, so I made Lulu her own backpack.

Now don't go crazy over it, up close and personal it's not so professional. Lulu loves it and it made me feel like a decent mom, so that is what is important.

I haven't had the time to do much decorating in our new home. I did have the idea, not long ago, that I wanted a couple of brightly colored chairs to pull out or put at the end of the table, just something to mix it up a bit.

I was looking through an Anthropologie catalog and saw this chair and set out to find it. Lucky for me, the first place I looked was a jack pot. The old Star Mill in American Fork had 2 of them. They were old beechwood and were covered with cobwebs but still, I felt lucky. I went to home depot and purchased bright yellow spray paint (because I am very tired) and ...

I love them.

Oh, I also found the gold mirror there.

I will let you know about the baby and the other thing I cannot say now.

Also, good news, we are finally about to set up our office at our new home so I am very excited to finally get to read and comment on all of your blogs again. Thank you so much for being my friends and for all your support and encouragement. I have really missed you.