Thursday, February 2, 2012

Checking In

For those of you that are curious, we are still alive. And really, I would like a blog to look back on, but when I think of posting I become too overwhelmed with actually taking the time to do it. I suppose I should simplify and just do what is easy and efficient, maybe post a picture a few times a week (which would perhaps generate more photos) and if there is time to write, I will write. No pressure though.

We are doing well. My children are pretty fantastic (mostly), there have been a few highlights and maybe later I will put them up in cyber space. We took a trip to Moab a few weeks ago and the top two pictures pretty much speak as to the mood. Some time was spent moping and whining. Some was spent in happiness. Such is life. It was a sort of epiphany for me, my mother probably endured many road trips, gutting them out for our sakes. Thank you mom. It is all gold and bliss for us. As for my children, I hope they have fond memories of Moab. I will choose to only remember pieces:)

I am so good. So much better than I have been in, well, a few years. I was really pretty sick for about a year and a half. The thing is I really didn't know or understand it. It progressively became worse over time, I was always complaining to my friends and family that I just didn't feel well, that I was exhausted, and that there was something wrong. My running was horrible, sometimes I would have to stop and put my head between my knees. My iron was low, I saw a doctor, did blood work, experimented with all kinds of stuff, but didn't get better. I know this is a tale, but because of the way I feel now, I feel like I need to shout it from the roof tops. Anyway, around Thanksgiving I saw a doctor again to no avail. On my car ride home I was lamenting my fate and sincerely, I heard a voice tell me what I needed to do. I needed to go gluten-free and sugar-free. And I did, and I have! Within a week all of my ailments subsided, I have tremendous energy, have lost 11 pounds and am so grateful! My running is the best it has ever been (with the exception of when I was 100 lbs and 16.) And really, I can't say enough about how wonderful I feel, it really is miraculous! So if I go on and on sometimes about my food or health, please forgive me. I am not selling anything, I am just giddy that my food truly was my medicine.

Until next time.


Rochelleht said...

Wow! So impressive. I have NO discipline when it comes to food, so I would probably choose to feel like crap over changing my diet. Kuddos to you.

Your trip looks like most of ours. MOODY is our middle name these days. I am planning a reality post this week. The truth behind the smiles...

Annie said...

Yay! I was so happy to see your post when it came up on my reader and then so glad for you that you've found a solution that makes life better.

Gluten's not a big issue for me but I am so much happier and healthier when I'm off sugar and dairy. I need to go back to being better about that.

Wendy said...

I'm so glad you figured out the gluten issue! That is wonderful news! Feeling good is worth the sacrifice. Yay!!!

Cameron, Jenny and Family said...

So glad you checked in. I LOVE your posts. You are the best writer.

I'm so glad you are feeling better. It is amazing how the food we put into our bodies makes us feel. So great that you could listen to your body and figure out what you needed to do to feel better!

Keep checking in…always good to hear from you…no pressure though :) Don't miss running, but do miss seeing you and the group! Keep up the awesome work!