Monday, September 27, 2010

'Of ' The Week

Blogging has become pretty tired. And I'm burned out on life at the moment. The thing is, I like looking back on it and reminding myself and of course I am grateful for the photos.

Blogging is an OK choice. I am trying to step up all the time and make the best choices, but man, it is so hard. Anyway, my compromise is to blog once a week about whatever was noteworthy. A "story of the week", a "photo of the week", a "dinner of the week", you get the picture.

Flowers of the week:

I'm done with my flower garden, it's too hot, it has too many weeds and everything is overgrown. But I do have some lovely bouquets.

Meal of the week:

I made a Nicoise salad with food from my garden and grilled salmon. The potatoes we are growing are so good. I recommend potatoes.

Story of the week:

The Top of Utah marathon was a pretty sorry experience. The first 14 miles went well--a little over an 8 minute average. My knee injury started to hurt around then but I kept pushing through it until 18 and then realized I would probably need to slow down in order to keep going. At 23 my knee wouldn't bend anymore so I walked the last 3 miles and finished with a 4:09. I pretty much accepted it as it happened because I knew that I hadn't exactly followed the doctors orders. After the Ogden marathon I started running 20 miles every other Saturday. I loved it, but on the 3rd time around the cartilage under my knee cap was shot. I saw a sports medicine Dr. and he said to lay off the 20 milers. I didn't do that. Just so you know for future reference: if you haven't been running at least a year, don't run 20 miles every other Saturday. Good times.

About the course, the first 14 miles are really beautiful, after that the course becomes slightly bizarre. It's like someone just decided to run circles (or more appropriately, geometric shapes) around the finish line in order to get 26.2 out of it.

Scary story of the week:

We not only found a black widow (always) in the basement where my children play but also a scorpion. Did you know scorpions lived in Lehi? I do now.

Outfit of the week:

This is slightly frivolous, but here's the deal: I am an ageing mom, I wear a uniform. Every day. Jeans and a t-shirt.

Here is the other deal: I have a closet that houses a collection of cardigans, shoes and skirts that I don't wear. In an attempt to be somewhat hip and youthful I am trying to wear some of the clothes in my closet.

Here was my attempt today:

Magical photography compliments of Lulu.

This week bonanza is something, no?

Monday, September 13, 2010

On The Sunny Side

I'm still walking Norah to and from school everyday and I like it. Is that wrong?

Speaking of wrong: Last Wednesday was awesome. Tuesday I was feeling that luck was on my side. My children, though a slight handful, are beautiful and enjoyable (at times) and I was feeling grateful. Wednesday morning Norah had to be at an important appointment in Provo early in the morning. I woke to vertigo, did my best to feed and dress the children, dropped Lulu off at school and rushed down to Provo with Norah, Abram and Rosemary.

Of course I was late and the appointment took forever and I was (of course) late to pick Lulu up from school. I was about to get on the freeway from Orem when my phone rang (remember I have vertigo), I wouldn't normally answer but it was Lulu's school wondering where I was. The phone slipped from my hand and landed on the ground, as I bent to pick it up I rear-ended a school bus. No children were on the bus and I was going slow but it took an hour to wrap things up, I got a citation: improper look-out and a whole lot of snarkiness from Challenger.

I came home to a dirty house and hungry kids. I picked up a $60 prescription (of course) and committed a cardinal sin: I bought Wendy's for dinner.

And on top of it all the cat has been missing for 5 days; most likely eaten by a coyote. I'm running a marathon on Saturday and have a knee injury and have barely been able to run all summer. And my allergies are through the roof.

Bet you think I'm inspirational now, eh?

But other than that, things are pretty good.