Friday, October 9, 2009

We have good times too...

About a week ago the girls and I undertook the adventure of planting 200 bulbs, which means I still have 100 to plant, multiple random holes to fill and Norah and Lulu are barely speaking to each other.

Abram is always wearing this getup. He attracts a lot of attention in the grocery store with the bike helmet. I say it's protection in case he falls out of the cart.

While watching conference on Saturday, we made glitter pumpkins, and decorated for Halloween.

Rosemary is still perfect. I really mean it. I am so lucky to have such a sweet tempered, loving, and gentle baby.

She just cuddles and coos and fills me with love and gratitude, and often that is just what I need to get through the day.


AMiller said...

OOOHhhh, glitter pumpkins - how fun!

I am so a bulb planter. They are about the only thing I don't kill. And it makes spring so wonderful.

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

I am soo jealous of your sweet tempered Rosemary. Jocelyn is her polar opposite.

Rochelleht said...

OH your house is GORGEOUS!!

Warren said...

Wow Martha, I wish I had an ounce of your artistic talent! Beautiful decor, beautiful garden, beautiful woman you are!