Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Marlboros and The Old Testament

Intensly studying the gospel art book during sacrament meeting last Sunday, Lulu turns to me and whispers: Mom these two guys are at war.

Glancing down at the sketch of David and Goliath, I say: That's right.

Lulu says: Do you know who wins?

I say: Who?

Lulu: The little guy.

After some careful studying of how little the "little guy" is she asks: Why does the little guy win?

Me: Because he does what Heavenly Father askes him to do, he is obedient.

Lulu: The big guy is naughty?

Me: He doesn't follow Heavenly Father's commandments.

Lulu: He smokes huh?

If Goliath only knew...


Rochelleht said...

At least you were at church. I hate it when my kids announce in public that people are breaking the commandments. Nice.

Kristen said...

Love it! My kids are very judgemental, I have to remind them that just because someone smokes, etc., doesn't make them bad. But, I guess I've taught them too well.