Friday, June 4, 2010

Antelope Island

On Memorial Day we took a little trip to Antelope Island and met up with my sister, brother and their families. I was pretty excited since the "island" has escaped my travels until that morning. Upon approaching the gate to enter the island, we encountered a flashing neon sign reading "the bugs are bad, biting nats". OK.

To make a long story short, we hiked, saw some buffalo, a coyote, antelope, ate some food, and Rosemary came off the island looking like she had broken out with the pox.


the wrath of khandrea said...

during my brief stint as a resident of utah, i had the following exposure to antelope island:
a newly returned missionary in my ward didn't show up at his parents' house one night. nor the next. after a couple days, they reported him missing; the police instituted a search; the ward fasted together. it was scary and induced panic amongst many.
turns out he was camping on antelope island.
moral: grown men do not need to report their whereabouts, unless, of course, they're still living with mom and dad.

Rochelleht said...

Wow. I've never seen pictures of antelope island. Looks like a fun outing. Except the bugs. We had lots of bugs flying around us this weekend in Capital Reef, but luckily none bit.

That last pic is flippin' adorable!!