Monday, August 3, 2009

Today is My Birthday

Passing dramatically through the swinging cherry door, I crumpled into a sobbing heap of self pity on the kitchen linoleum.

It was my sixteenth birthday. Nothing magical had happened. No fairy godmother, no car (not that I expected one, my parents could barely afford the one they had), no budding goddess-like figure, and no prince charming. Even worse was the fact that I realized 16 years were gone, forever. And what had I accomplished? Nothing.

It is a possibility that I had slightly high expectations. I may even have been a hormonal teenager.

Yet, every August 3rd, no matter the scenario, I feel a little melancholy. Where has the time gone? What happened to all of my aspirations, what the freak is happening to my body? And, what is it that I have accomplished?

This morning, with the children all lined at the counter with their juice and their oranges, I turned to the cupboard to reach the bowls. Unprompted, Lulu said, "Mom, you are beautiful". Abram concured, "You gorgis mom".

The melancholy subsides for the morning. Raising children that understand the art of flattering an aging woman is somewhat of an awesome accomplishment.


Rochelleht said...

That ROCKS!!! What a delightful birthday gift. I hope the rest of the day is wonderful. No melancholy on birthdays! Not allowed. I love birthdays, but I guess that's just the narcissist in me.

AMiller said...

First - I am not sure you can call yourself an aging woman, yet. Really, you are probably getting more beautiful with age.
But I agree, raising children who can flatter is an awesome accomplishment. Now if I could just figure out how to do it. Mine seem to just be brutally honest.

queenieweenie said...

happy birthday!

Kristen said...

I hope you had a great birthday, I laughed when you said, "What the freak is happening to my body?" (I think those were the words!) I feel the same way!

Wendy said...

Happy Birthday, Martha! Those kids of yours . . . they are sharp!

just jen said...

what great kids...i hope you had a wonderful birthday!

the wrath of khandrea said...

i KNOW...!
on my birthday my kids were like, "mom, your breasts do NOT sag. your teeth are SUPER white. your rear is perky and firm. i admire everything about your skin."

seriously. doesn't it make you feel like a million bucks?

the wrath of khandrea said...

also, on my birthday, i decided lying is perfectly acceptable.

Annie said...

happy belated birthday! your kids aren't flattering you...they're just calling it like they see it (and they're very astute)

hope you had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And you are gorgeous. I miss you. Hope all is well. xoxo, m

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, dear! You really are beautiful!

Shayleen Lunt said...

That has to be about the best birthday gift ever! Would it have meant more coming from anybody else? Happy Belated Birthday Martha. And in case it matters, I've always thought you were gorgeous.

kellykumquat said...

happy belated by three days. I've decided to stop counting. Everything after 30 is just depressing and in the eternal scheme of things age doesn't matter right? love and miss you. kel