Thursday, August 13, 2009

Luck of the Thirteenth

It's been an overwhelming year. I've found it difficult to reconcile the number of people who are expected of me. Struggling (mostly alone, because who can be trusted with the truth besides the Savior?), I've found the saving grace of a perfect baby.

Moments of her fist year play and pause like pages and songs. Silent images softly gleam and ripple, etching themselves upon intangible photo albums of hope.

Her awkward grasp finding my finger. Her searching mouth loud and large. Those soft sweet lips sucking and then turning themselves into a toothless, engaging grin.

Strawberry hair, light, faint and fuzzy atop a fair head. Deep gray eyes, loving and gentle, always optimistic. A childhood dream fulfilled-my cabbage patch had strawberry hair and gray eyes.

Nestled in my arms, patient and still, always soft.

The gentle babble of mamama. Kiss after kiss, she's seen me through.

Oh she is sweet.

I love you Rosemary.

Happy Birthday.


Annie said...

Oh, she is so sweet! So glad she's been your companion this year. Happy Birthday, Rosemary!

Kristen said...

She's beautiful, Martha!

the wrath of khandrea said...

you touched on the trust issue in a very unique way. i appreciated your words.

i cannot believe she is one. you were just barely pregnant!

sometimes when my kids are asleep, i go into their rooms just to feel what you described here. mine are too grown now for those moments to come during any waking hours. but after they fall asleep, i still feel it. it's worth a lot.

Wendy said...

Wow, Martha. Your thoughts are poignant. Your daughter is beautiful.

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

What a sweet post. All of your children are beautiful.

Kim Allgood said...

She is beautiful! I am glad you have one of those to help get you through the rough and the easy days. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary!