Monday, August 2, 2010

Girl's camp starts tomorrow...

So I'm going through closets and dress-up boxes in order to compile this pile for the skit kit.

You get one guess what our theme is.

Just for your FYI, this will be the first time that I will be "away" from my children in 7 years, not counting the luxury stays I had at American Fork hospital and St. Marks while delivering the children I've had over those years.

And if it means going without electricity, showers, and sleeping in tents for 4 days at Blackhawk in order to have this time away, I am so totally there!


Anonymous said...

I'm off to girls' camp tmrw too! And we just put together our skit bags. Hope yours goes well!

Rochelleht said...

That so rocks! Yeah you an time away and Yeah you get to go to Girl's Camp! I LOVE Girl's Camp. In Texas, we do it at the beginning of summer. We'd never be able to go this late. Too hot!

AMiller said...

That looks like the makings of some good witch costumes, but since this is girl's camp, that probably isn't it.
I thought about flying to Asia once because the idea of having 24 hours by myself sounded fabulous. Oh, and my hubby was there, but really, I think I was loving the 24 hour flight idea.

Kelli said...

I hope it goes well. Enjoy your vacation!
PS. I lived in Grand Blanc for 3 years. That's where we added child #2 to our family. I loved our little vacay to Mackinaw Island.
And my counter is soapstone, too. I love it. a lot. And almost every single person who walks into my house asks what it is and has never heard of soapstone.

Kara said...

I hope camp and your time away went well. You had a birthday while you were gone, didn't you? Happy late birthday. So, maybe we'll have to get our kids together next summer...since we didn't make it this summer. Talk to you soon, I hope.