Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As the flames of Valentines cool to a simmering glow, President's day dawns gray and blustery.

I brave the store, 4 children full,

like a mother duck, trailed, circling, and squawking.

Attempting to exercise, my children tease and poke fun at my athleticism, and I am required to exercise more than my muscles.

I piece together scraps hoping they will spontaneously fabricate themselves into a pillow case.

Leaving the children alone in their quarrels, I sew rosettes out of my great-grandmother's handmade lace, and embellish a tee.

Since I am no longer allowed to hang anything on the wall(according to my husband, I do not understand the laws of physics), I collaged photos on the floor and he meticulously hung them. I admire his handy work.

I count the days the remaining collage remains on the floor, unhung.

I consider mutiny.


Annemarie said...

Taking four kids to the store is like shooting yourself in the foot. I know, I attempted it, too. I am now waving my white flag. I just may have to do a post about it...if I have any energy left!!

Annie said...

Hang in there, mama duckling! You look great ~ love the pictures and the shirt ~ if you mutiny, I'll join you :)

the wrath of khandrea said...

yeah, but do you remember when you just had that one baby, and it was like "when is my husband going to get home so i can go to the store. i can't take the baby, it's so hard!"

and now, taking just one seems like a special treat.

diane said...

You need a holiday. Your embellished tee is divine.

Cecilia said...

You're so brave for taking 4 kids to the store with you busy Mama.

Love the idea of the lace on a tee....soooo beautiful!

Trish said...

Love the rosettes! So talented...

sarahlouise said...

I love reading your blog martha!!! You can take a mundane day/event and make it a lovely reminiscent read that provokes you to ponder......

em kawasaki said...

I'm not allowed to hang stuff either.

Brooke said...

i love the tee! you could sell those.

and could you come hang stuff on my walls? i'm more of the leaning pictures up against the wall type of person because i can't commit. or finish anything. or find a hammer for that matter.

Nathan said...

I loved it. Beautiful. Most of all I love imagining the *conversation* where Brad and you *agreed* that he would hang the pictures on the wall because you don't understand physics. That's TEAM WORK! They look fantastic, by the way--the frames and the pictures AND how physically well they hang there on the wall.
you and those kids are beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of you on the front porch-- you look like one of the kids! And your girls jackets? LOVE! Can you tell I have a clothing obsession?